Pilot Chapter

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  I had been running for days now, maybe weeks. Stopping only when needed, but barely resting. If I stayed in one spot for too long then the people I was running from would no doubt catch up; and I refuse to go back and do their biding again. I started stumbling as I felt the air change- no longer could I see my breath on it and no longer did I feel the familiar chill of my home kingdom's climate. Had I walked for so long now that I'd reached a new kingdom entirely? I kept wondering forward as the ground started having grass, trees not bare and green nature all around me. Suddenly I had to stop as an immense pain welled up within me. I dropped to my knees as I could feel my magic fighting me.

  "No...no more!" I pleaded out as an explosion of dark grey mist swirled around me before moving outward. I saw as the plant life slowly rotted and died; the results of my magic: Decay Magic. It was used for...less then ideal purposes. Too many people hurt by my magic, too many lives lost. No more; I decided I wouldn't hurt anyone anymore. But...because of that my magic became weakened, and my mind split to stop myself from going insane at what I had already done. For better or worse I am me yet not me at the same time. The original was known as the Decaying Butcher; I'm simply Rivio Rosan.

It was another few days of wondering around-I had began to starve it seemed along the way. I knew I was in a different kingdom now for sure though with how everything felt and looked. "Guess this is...as far as I can go." I said out-loud, collapsing to my knees. When my face hit the ground I saw my Grimoire fly out of its holder and stopped in front of me. Such a disgusting book but it's mine...well, ours I guess? It was leather bound, edges were old and decrepit. At the center of it was a black yet decayed looking Spade symbol showing the world where I'm from. The retched land where it's mages would go so far as to use citizens as mana batteries and torment them when we were supposed to be protecting them. I guess it's right to die here then, atone for all I had done.

"Ooh, what do we have here." A sudden voice said out-loud. It was mature, yet filled with a curiosity seen within a child. I heard footsteps approach my downed form and slowly moved my head to look. Brown boots came into view, moving my eyes up I saw a red robe with white fur lining the edges. My body was too exhausted to look any further then where I assumed the persons waist would be. They were male judging by the voice but other then that I had no details. I see them take a knee and bend over a bit letting their face come into view: purple eyes, blonde hair, and white skin with a 6 pointed star on the left side of his forehead. "This Grimoire...you're from the Spade kingdom. Someone so young and being hoping through that?" Suddenly a white light appeared and another voice made itself known.

"Wizard King! There you are, you need to return! You have paper work piling up as we speak!" The voice said in an urgent tone.

"Well you see Marx I was wondering around looking for new magic and-"

"Sir! I kindly demand you return! This paper work is getting higher and higher the longer you're-who's that?" This Marx person asks. I assume he saw my crappy form on the ground.

"Well I was about to explain that I had found this foreigner here and would like for you to send Cob my way so we can treat this young man." The person who was called Wizard King said. My vision started blurring as I heard someone say 'right away!' and a door suddenly appeared. "Don't worry young one. We'll hear all about you while you rest." Was the last thing I heard.

——————A Few Hours Later——————

My head was hurting. Scratch that my entire body was hurting. Slowly my eyelids lifted and I blinked a few times as light hit me. Looking around I saw a desk right in front of me and that I was now in a chair; on the other side of that desk I mentioned sat the man who found me, gentle smile on his face. To his left stood a rather lanky man with blue hair in a bowel cut. He wore a serious expression and was rather pale in his real looking clothes.

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