Fighting the Midnight Sun Under a Cave Roof

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  I sat in my room writing in a journal. What was I writing? Well I was remembering times on missions when Butcher and I would switch and was comparing all of them. "It either happens when I got my head hit too hard or am out-right knocked out. But this time" I say flipping to the dungeon "we made an agreement of sorts and he took control, but let it go easily as well. And now I was able to use a spell of his...which either means we're coming back together and stabilizing or I somehow tapped into his power on accident." I said thinking to myself. My thoughts were stopped when I saw the face of my feathered friend come up to my forehead and start peaking rapidly. "Huh? What is it?" I ask simply as she lands and points to my hand with her wing.

It was bleeding a bit on the table, making my eyes widen.

"Oh you were trying to get my attention?" I ask getting a nod. We had assumed she'd be able to always talk so long as she was around enough forbidden magic, like say in my room, but that seems to not be the case. Instead of speaking I bought a small book and pencil for her to use and write in for communication. "Sorry, although it should be known by now I have a very high pain tolerance." I say standing and moving to a bin where I kept medical supplies. I wrapped the hand a bit and looked to her journal where she wrote. "'Does it matter if you used his spell? That just means you get more power.' True, but it's still an interesting phenomena that hasn't happened to me before. If it's a one time thing then I won't be able to get into his spells again meaning the more powerful ones are lost to me still." I say sitting back down. "But if it was a permanent thing...I can be more useful finally."

She seemed to narrow her eyes at that and began to peck my forehead again. After five seconds of trying to make it hurt she eventually gave up looking somewhat out of breath. I chuckle getting a glare before standing again to leave.

"Well today's a slow day. How about going on an adventure?" I ask my feathered friend. She seems to think for a second before nodding and flying up to my head. "Alright then let's get going." With that I stand and walk out of the room. I pass by Finral who turns to me quickly.

  "Riiiviiiioooo!" He yells out throwing his body at me. I stopped with him holding onto my legs tightly and looking up at me. "Please you have to come with me!" He says with a desperate look.

  "To do what?" I ask carefully as he stands up and dusts himself off.

  "Well I had a planned event today and there aren't many charming guys I can take to it. But you'd be perfect!" Finral says. I can only assume what kind of event it was if he planned it out. "So will you come with me to a Mixer!?" He quickly and suddenly asks/yells. Of course it's that.

  "Sorry Finral but I have plans to go out and just relax for a bit. Besides that's not my thing." I say to him carefully pushing him to the side.

  "Relax!? With your sword still on your back!?" He asks as I look to my weapon. Shrugging I take off the sheath straps and place it against the couch's armrest. "Ahhhh! Fine! I'll find someone else!" He says running off.

I shrugged and continued with Nero out of the base. We went around the forest a bit and even left there with me on my broom; the city was nice this time of day. I stopped by stalls and bought us some food, and as the sun began to set we headed back to find Finral moping about while Luck and Magna were doing their usual. "Didn't go well?" I ask him getting a simple nod. "Well better luck next time I guess." I tell him before heading to my room.

//A Few Days Later\\

  I sat in a field and concentrated. "Focus."
I told myself as I delved deep into meditation and let my magic off a bit. I was attempting to get more in tune with my mind so I could 'speak' to Butcher, but nothing was coming of it yet. "Damn, still nothing." I say falling back exhausted. I felt the natural mana of the area start to come toward me and replenish my own mana. "Doc Owen did say it would take a bit but this is something else." I mutter as I stare at the sky.

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