Chapter 12

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"you doing good Kelley, that was a nasty hit," I say to the defender at half time during the finals.

"yeah but I'm being subbed for concussion protocol which sucks," the little squirrel says complaining.

"aww I'm sorry Kels, everyone knows you would've played the full 90 if you could," I say putting a hand on her shoulder.

"seconds half starting girls let's go!" The staff shout as we get ready to go back out in hopes to break the 0-0 score.

"Hey T" Alex whispers behind me while we wait in the tunnel

"If you score a goal I might have to give you a reward" She whispers seductively making me almost choke

"a-and what is that reward" I ask stuttering a little

"let's just say" Alex starts before getting closer to my ear

"I hope whoever is next door brought earplugs," She says just as we're told to walk out.

Jesus christ Alex Morgan, you seriously went there huh.

"That's a penalty Ref!" I shout running over to Alex's side as she's taken down in the box.

"you okay Lex," I ask looking the forward in the eyes

"I think so, she just got my side pretty hard," She says wincing a little "but I'm good to play still"

"I'm pretty sure if you broke your arm you would still want to play" I say chuckling as I help lift her off the floor

"sounds like me" she says smiling.

They were given a yellow card and the referee gave us the penalty kick, Tobin took it like normal and slotted it away just like every other time.

"We need to get another goal and help solidify the win ladies" Tobin shouts as we jog back to our half

"you hear that T looks like it's your cue," Alex says winking at me before getting into her spot

I intercept the ball near the middle half and dribble it upfield trying to look for any plays that are going on but everyone's surrounded by Netherland players

Alex's words ring in my head a little and I look up to the goal and decide to fire one at it. I take the ball in my left foot and send a rocket to the bottom corner. I watch the keeper try to get to her fingers to it but she's not quick enough and it ends up in the back of the net.

I turn around and run straight to Alex, jumping into her as she held me up.

"That was amazing!" She screams putting me down as Christen comes over too.

I run over to the sidelines and hug the rest of the team who are all celebration the goal on the edge of the pitch.

"That was an absolute blast!" Kelley says hugging me

"why haven't you done that before!" Ash screams out.

I just laugh at my teammates and run back to our half ready to help keep our two-goal lead.

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