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"You're both going right back in your rooms and changing," David said the second Ester and I stepped out of our shared bedroom in our party clothes. "Not kidding. Change."

"You're my brother, not my dad. And you can't tell Honey what to do; she's a guest," Ester smirked like she won, even by barely putting up a fight. "We look good."

We did, in fact, look good. It wasn't really my style; I had more of a soft girl aesthetic going for me, and I felt out of place in the insta-baddie outfit Ester put me in, but I couldn't deny that we looked good.

Ester was wearing a black tube top and some checkered black and white shorts, quite possibly the shortest pair I'd ever seen. They weren't extremely highwaisted, only midrise, so they showed off a decent amount of her toned stomach. It was clear that she worked out for her body, while I was just blessed with a high metabolism. I might've been skinny, but I had no muscle.

I was in a black and white striped tube top and black shorts. There was only an inch or so of my stomach showing between the top and the pants. It wasn't even too bad.

"You are not leaving this hotel in those outfits," he didn't back down, but I had a sneaking suspicion Ester wouldn't either.

"I think we're doing whatever the fuck we want. Right, Honey?" Ester raised her eyebrows at me in a way that demanded a response. David's eyes focused on me, too, and suddenly, I felt trapped.

All I could say was, "Um."

"That's a yes," Ester sent David a snarky smile. "Off we go, then. You can stay here if you're so worried about it."

"I most definitely cannot stay here now," he grumbled, picking up the rental keys and dropping them in the pocket of his black basketball shorts. He seemed very annoyed, but he followed us out the door and to the car without another word.

I could tell he was pissed when he turned the radio up to full blast. Ester and I still managed to talk over it, but I could barely hear what she was saying, and I didn't think she could hear me either. I was certain we were just saying random sentences back and forth to annoy David, and it was working. He was gripping the steering wheel tightly and driving a bit erratically.

We arrived at the GPS location, which turned out to be a sketchy, run down looking house about a mile and a half down the beach from us. There were six cars in the driveway, and a few more parked on the road that I could only guess were also in the party.

I suddenly got nervous. David not wanting us to go was the only reason I had been hype in the first place, but now that we were actually here, it felt a whole lot scarier. We had only met the two boys and spoken to them for an hour or so, and now there were several cars here.

"Don't drink anything from a bottle that's already been opened. Watch your cup at all times. Don't go anywhere alone with anyone," David instructed us as we walked up the stairs to the door. "I mean it."

"You know, I thought when Dad died, I wouldn't ever have to deal with anything like this," Ester said snarkily, turning on her heel to head confidently up the steps.

My eyes widened at Ester's words. Obviously I had noticed the absence of the Dobrik father figure, but I had just assumed he left the family and wasn't around much anymore. I never would've guessed he was dead, or that she would bring it up so casually and openly.

David didn't seem hurt; he simply rolled his eyes and stomped up after her, leaving me alone in the driveway. He turned around at the door to add a clearly exasperated, "Are you gonna stand there all night?"

"Don't be mean to my fucking friend, David."

They were such siblings. Even Ben and I, who had literally not one thing in common, didn't bicker as much as they did.

As a summary of the party, I will say a few things. The house smelled terrible. Like super bad. These boys were not getting their deposits back.

David was mad that these boys were in college and that we failed to mention that to Ms. Dobrik. He mentioned us being sixteen to the two boys we had met on the beach several times, trying to drill into their heads that we were underage. They eventually just introduced us to their underage friends, who were also at the party. David did not like this very much either. Shocker.

Eventually, Ester hit it off with a boy named John, and in her slightly drunken state, I watched her walk upstairs with him (after checking with her several times that that is what she actually wanted to do). I was talking to a guy named Jake, but desperately looking at a pissed off David, hoping he would save me.

Believe it or not, he did.

"Let's go on a walk," he said, taking my half empty cup from me and setting it on the counter.

"Should we leave Ester here alone?"

"She can take care of herself. And I talked to that boy. He seemed alright," David told me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the back door. We walked down the steps and onto the beach, where I quickly pulled off my shoes. "Why'd you come to this tonight?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Ester wanted to. I want to make memories."

"You can't make memories with me?" he asked, and I could tell deep down, he was actually kind of hurt that I wanted to come hang out with some random boys we talked to for an hour.

"Not when you're talking to the redhead at the bar," I countered, knowing he was worse than me. "I can't hang out with you with Ester around. You know this."

"So you're gonna hang out with some college guys?"

"So you're gonna hang out with the redhead?"

"Ester's crazy. I wasn't even talking to a redhead," David told me. "Whatever. I don't care what you do."

He clearly did.

"If you're going to be a dick, I'm going back inside," I frowned and David half smiled, grabbing my chin to make me look at him.

"Don't say that word. You're too pretty for that."

I pulled away, grabbing my phone out of my back pocket to see why it buzzed.

Alex Ernst: Saturday works for me. My break's been okay. Hope you're having fun! Have a good night!

Me: Great i'll text you my address!! See you saturday!!

"What the hell?" David laughed, snatching my phone from me. "Why are you texting Alex Ernst? He's so weird."

"You're an evil person," I took my phone back and put it in my pocket so he couldn't invade my privacy anymore. "He's very sweet. He's just quiet because all you guys are mean to him."

"Why are you texting him?"

"If you must know," I sighed, "we're working on a project together about World War II."

"Of course you are. Kid's totally a Nazi."

"Okay, David," I nodded, choosing to change the subject so I wouldn't get mad. "Why didn't you tell me your dad was dead?"

He shrugged, "I figured Ester did. It's not a big deal. I was, like, six so. I didn't really know him."

I couldn't imagine losing a parent and being so chill about it, but maybe that was because I was a crybaby.

"If you ever feel like it is a big deal, you can talk to me."

I reached down and intertwined our fingers.

He smiled down at me.

"I will."

My heart grew four sizes just looking at him.

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the consequences are me being sad

Thank u that is all

Xoxo abby

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