twenty four

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"You know, you make Mondays one of my favorite days," David told me. We were sitting in the back of his car, me on top of him, in an old parking lot that kids used to smoke in. I was sure that's how David found it. "There's nothing better than this."

"Monday has always been my favorite day. It has the prettiest name. Monday."

"You are so fucking bizarre," David chuckled, pressing a kiss to my lips quickly. "I love you. Sunday sounds way better than Monday, though. Which, by the way, I have something to talk to you about."

"Are you breaking up with me?" I joked, and he rolled his eyes.

"Never," he replied. "Remember when Corinna caught us a couple weeks ago?"

"How could I possibly forget that?" I said in a joking tone, but I was dead serious. It was quite possibly one of the scariest moments of my life, and it only further proved how horrible our situation was. I was both terrified of telling Ester and terrified of Ester finding out on her own, which, if we weren't more careful, could easily happen.

"I've been talking to her about everything. She brings it up whenever we're alone. Basically, her mom and dad go to church in the city on Sundays and are gone from like nine until three. That used to be the time Rin would invite people to smoke, but now she works. So..."

"So... what?" I shifted on his lap, and David raised his eyebrows at my action. I cringed, "Sorry."

"You're fine, Honey Badger," David laughed, planting his face in my neck and placing a kiss at the area where my neck turned into my shoulder. "So... I've had a talk with her, and the place is ours. On Sundays from 10 to 2, at least."


"What? You don't want to?"

"It's not necessarily that I don't want to. It's just gonna be a little hard for me to swing," I told him honestly, my hands moving to the sides of his face. "I don't drive. How would I get there?"

"Start driving."

"David... I can't. I have a panic attack every single time I try to get in the driver's seat. I physically cannot do that."

"I was kidding, Badgey," he kissed me. "I'll come pick you up. Is that your only concern?"

"No. I have a long list of concerns," I giggled. "Someone's going to see you picking me up, first of all. That is not good. Second of all, how am I supposed to explain being gone every Sunday?"

"Say you and Ester are going to church."

"What if someone asks Ester? I need her to be able to cover for me, but I can't explain why she has to cover for me."

"So you tell her you're hanging out with Ernst," he shrugged. "You wouldn't have a problem with that, would you? Since you like him so much?"

I sighed, moving to get off of him, "If you're going to be mean, take me back to the school."

"Shh, baby, I'm not being mean," he picked me up and placed me right back on his lap like it was nothing. "I'm sorry. But I'm serious. Ernst would help you out, too, if you told him. I see how he looks at you."

"How exactly does he look at me?" I rolled my eyes, unable to tell him that I had noticed too.

"He looks at you the way I look at you, so I know he's in love."

I tried to hide my smile so David didn't think I agreed with his statement. "Be quiet. I'll think about it."

So I did. I weighed all my options. I already saw David three times a week during practices and usually Friday or Saturday night when we'd sneak into each other's rooms. One extra day wasn't that big of a deal when you thought about it like that, but I couldn't. All I could think about was the fact that spending time with David made me the happiest and calmest person I could be. I wanted to spend every second of the day with him. That's why I had a talk with Alex.

I found Alex in the library on Wednesday, and took a seat at the wooden table with him. He looked up at me and smiled. "You might not want to sit here. The table shakes."

"If I don't sit here, the table is going to feel like it did something wrong just because it was made this way. I don't want to hurt its feelings."

"You know," he laughed. "I have never met anyone as concerned with inanimate objects' feelings as you are. You are truly one of a kind."

"I'll take that as a compliment," I joked. "Listen, I have something to ask you. You can say no, but you'd really be helping me out if you said yes."

He closed his chemistry textbook to show his whole focus was on me and said, "Let's hear it."

"So I kind of, sort of, definitely have a boyfriend," I told him, suddenly feeling too shy to look him in the eyes. "And you know my brother. He's very... overprotective of me. We can't tell him that we're dating. On Sundays, we have an opportunity to hang out, but I don't have an excuse to leave the house."

"You want me to be your excuse?" he frowned, which I assumed was out of confusion.

"Yes," I answered honestly. "I would just tell Ben I was hanging out with you. If he ever asked you about it, which I doubt he will since he knows we're friends, you could just cover for me."

"Okay," Alex nodded. "Easy enough. Who is this guy, anyways?"

"See, telling you would defeat the whole purpose of keeping it a secret," I giggled. "Just know he's very sweet to me."

"He treats you like a princess?"

"Most of the time," I admitted. "Sometimes I have to fight for it."

"As long as it's not all the time," he told me. "You're not supposed to have to fight for it all the time."

"You know what? You are wise beyond your years," I told him. "Thank you so much. I've gotta get to class, but I'll see you later."

I texted David as soon as I got the news.

Me: Talked to Alex today! I guess you can pick me up on Sunday...

David: aww I knew u couldn't say no to me 

David: can't wait baby

David: I love uuuuuuu

Me: Get to class!

David:  say it back

Me: I love you too!!!

hiiiiiiiiii this may be my last update for a week or two who knows

basically I'm on a diet and im tired all the time now bc I eat salads for every meal and I really need to focus on my school and stuff (midterms ew) but I promise ill update when I can and ill see y'all soon

xoxoxo abby

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