Chapter 1

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"Do you love me?" Asked a soft spoken young girl. She was so timid to ask such a question that she couldn't even lift her face to the match the intense stare of her partner.

"Yes I do" answer a baritone voice. He could sense that she was in the room but didnt know where. "Where are you beautiful?" He asked

Being so scared she dared not to move but whispered in a soft tone ... "I'm over here... By the door"

Not anticipating his approach so soon she felt herself being covered by his strong warm arms

"Never leave me scared again" utter the voice of dispair. Even though in reality they were fifteen feet away the thought of being apart threatened the sense of love .

"I won't... I promise" said the hushed girl. "I will never leave you"

Coming together in an embrace that showed the strong affection between the two they fell deep into a kiss. His hands on the small of her back and her hand in the nap of his neck. Their tongues dancing in sync. The rhythm of the movement could clearly be seen. Taking a second to breath they pulled apart. looking into one another eyes they could see the divine Love that was undeniable.

"Make love to me tonight bae," he whispered into my ear as he ran his soft, warm fingers down the small of my back onto my ass "please." He pulled me closer to him pressing his hard dick against me. My pussy began to get wet.

As he kissed my neck I whispered, " don't make me wait." With those words he began to take my clothes off starting with the shirt I sleep in. Right when we was about to have foreplay we heard knocking on the door. "Who the fuck is that at the time of night?" He waited to see if the knocking would continue, it did. "Just go get the door bae I'll be fine." He huffed and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" He didn't wait on an answer before he opened the door."

. . . . . . . . . .

"Goodmorning bae," it's a warm summer morning I fixed Autumn a warm breakfast. Bacon, eggs, jelly biscuits, and some Minute Maid on the side. "I made you breakfast," kissing his forehead while handing him his plate and placing his juice on the night stand, "how'd you sleep?"

"Thanks boo, I slept great because I have the pleasure to wake up to a queen. My queen." I blushed. Its been 4 years since we started dating and simple words that come out his deep, spin tingling, sexy voice still makes me blush. At the age of 16 I fell in love with this man. Everything I did to get rid of him never worked, he just wouldn't leave me.alone. That's why I know he was the one for me. I believed God chose him for me. He was so.damn fine too. Even though he lacked in height he didn't in the pants boy. That curly hair and them beautiful eyes just had me locked and let's not forget his rocking body and amazing personality. "Stop blushing and tell me what you thinking about." He was stuffing his face.

"Just how much I love you and why I love you and why I can't live without you." I straddled his lap and moved the plate off his lap. "Bae why do you love me?"He swallowed the rest of the food remaining in his mouth and took a sip before speaking a acronym, WCEHMILY.

What the fuck does that mean? Had me confused as hell. "Bae what the hell does that mean?"

"Sleep nigga." We both laughed as I hit his chest. "You not ready for this," he said grabbing me by the waist.

"Am so."

"We shall see nigglet." He got on top and put all his weight on me.

"Get your fat ass off me!"

"Yeah yeah I win." He celebrated. Kissing my softly as he got up as a tease. He knew what he was doing. "I'm going to brush my teeth you should too stinky." I sat there watching his fine ass walk off he body looked like it was chizzled out if marble. What made it look even better was he had my name and our date tattooed down his back. Oh my god I'm lucky to have this nigga.

Next morning I had to get up early as hell for work around 6. Good Autumn was still sleep. I tried to sneek out the room without waking him, hmph nice try.

"Hey bae," he was stretching while trying to force his eyes open, "got to go to work early?"

I chuckled at the fact he woke up. "Yeah. I tried to not wake you up buuttt yeah you see how that went."

"Yeah come gimme kiss."

"Nigga no you got the stank breath."

"Oh haha, you cannot be talking at least you don't have to smell it all night while you sleep. I be dreaming about garbage." He laughed like it was funny. "Make sure you get your tongue and roof of your mouth." I jumped on him blowing my morning breath in his face.

"Smell it!"

"Noooooooo!" He squirmed trying to get away but I wouldntet him. "It stinks!"

"Okay , I got to go brush my teeth and go to work." Kissing him I got up I felt his dick getting hard. I didn't have time for a morning quicky even though I felt my pussy getting wet. I had to have some self control.

Grabbing my keys I rushed out the door. "I love you stinka!"

"Ehh I LOVE YOU TOO." From the sound of his voice I could tell he was half sleep.

"Get ya ass up and clean something you off today nigga!" I closed the door so I couldn't hear him bitching about getting up.

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