Chapter 10

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I feel like a little school girl

Palms sweating butterfly flying. Oh my gosh he just looked at me I cast my eyes down to the ground In such a flash can let the Meer idea that I'm into him pass. I look up he still watching me. So I give him a little something to see. He nods his head and  I lift my brow he blows a kiss and that is all one can know for now. After that day let's just say he quickly became bae


     'Beep beep beep' Iistened to the monitor as I held Autumns hand in the hospital. I got the call he was in critical condition when he got in a accident reading my text message. It's all my fault. "I could have waited until he got home. It's all my fault. IM SO SORRY BABY IM SO SORRY!" Beginning to break down crying I stuffed my face on his chest. Sobbing louder the doctor came in the room I shouted at him to get out. I wanted to be alone with him. Even if he can't talk.AJ was at his grandmother house he didn't need to see his father like this. "Please come back to me baby please. I need you...WE NEED YOU! PLEASE!!" I squeezed his hand tighter. "I love you so much baby I don't know what we will do without you. You are my everything, I can't live without you."

    "I....I.....I love you too." He barely managed to say, but it was something.

    "Oh my God baby I thought I lost you forever." I jumped in the bed and held him. He wiped my tears away.

    "You know I'm not going anywhere."

    I kissed him all over his face. "Dont scare me like that again."

    "Where's my son?"

    "At my mama house."

    "Mrs.Lamar." The doctor came in the room, "visiting hours are over. We have to give your husband his medicine and check for any broken bones or torn ligaments. We will call and inform you on everything as soon as we find out."

    "Okay. I love you baby." I kissed Autumn, "take good care of him."

    "Yes ma'am." He gave me a grin as I grabbed my things and walked out the room. I sat in the car about 15 minutes just thinking. 'What was I going to do if I lost him? And what makes it worst how an I going to tell him I been getting visits from Tyrone and today he forced himself on me? This is to much to handle right now. I'm putting myself and my family at risk, this needs to stop. I have to tell what happened today at the office no matter the outcome I never hid anything from my husband and I won't be starting today. Even if feeling Tyrone inside of me again was nice it isn't worth going through an divorce.' I put the radio on 97.1, Whatever You Want by Tony! Toni! Tone! was playing.

    *the next morning on the way to the hospital*

    I called in for a personal day today due to my husbands accident. Stepping into the room he was still sleep. But that's usual he always sleeps in so its nothing new to me. "Goodmorning baby. I brought us breakfast, I know you dint like this nasty shit here." We both laughed as he woke up.

    "Thank you baby, I'm starving all these drugs and shit I couldn't eat last night." He sat up and we ate. 'This is your moment' I thought to myself.

    "Baby we need to talk." My heart dropped as soon as those words came out my mouth.

    "Okay, about?" He sat his plate to the side.

    "You know I love you do much and I would never do anything to hurt you." I grabbed his hand closest to me.

    "Yes of course."

    "Well yesterday, I was at the office and somehow Tyrone knows where I work. So he came to the office and umm..." I began to cry.

    "And what?"

    "He forced himself on me." He sat there in shock as I cried. I knew it hurt him.

    "Where is he?" He struggled to get out the bed.

    "Baby sit down you are in no condition to be out of bed."

    "WHERE IS HE!?" Its rare for me to see him this mad. It scares me. "WHERE...IS...HE?!"

    "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." I cried in his chest as he held me. "I'm so sorry baby I'm so so so sorry."

    "Shhh baby. I will deal with him."

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