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As we made our way back with the guard leading the way, I had knots in my stomach. I was nervous as well as excited. Thank god Amy brought her camera with her, or we would not get to save this moment. 

We were lead into a room that had a big leather couch, the guard told us to wait there. So we sat down and just taking in our surroundings. "Can you believe this, we are fucking backstage", Amy said a little loud, thank god no one was around. "This is unreal", said Becca, I was so nervous I couldn't even form a sentence. As we sat there, the door opened and a few more girls came in, much older then us, wearing very little clothing and big puffy hair, also blonde. As we all sat around, not really making much conversation I could over hear the girls talking as they fixed their hair in the mirror. " I'm totally going to fuck Vince tonight, who are you trying to get?", "You already know, I'm getting my hands on Nikki". WOW, well I can guess their reason for coming to the show, but it is the 80's and I'm not that young to not know about the stuff that happens. As we are sitting and waiting, we hear all kinds of commotion going on in the hall, then the door flies open....

There they were, sweat pouring off them, breathing heavy. God they are gorgeous..but wait there is only three of them, where was Mick? "Hey ladies", Vince says, then turns to Nikki whispering something in his ear, which I didn't hear but I see him motion his head towards me. My heart started pounding in my chest, oh my god. Nikki started walking towards me, "Hey I'm Nikki, and you are?", Umm..Rylynn", as I stood up from the couch, which didn't really make a difference I still had to look up a little, my little 5'2 frame was nothing to his 6'. He took ahold of my hand, "Come talk to me", as Nikki lead me out the door to were his dressing room was. "So do you know why you are here?", " talk?", I really wasn't sure what was going to happen or if I wanted it too. "Well, have you ever done anything like this before?", "Do you mean go backstage?", I was getting really nervous. Nikki let out a slight chuckle, "Yes and know what happens after shows like this, don't you?", "You mean sex?", "Yes...that is what I mean. And I know you are a virgin by the way you are acting", Nikki says as he walks towards me, taking some of his stage clothes off in the process. "I'm going to change that tonight", before I could even react to what he said he had his lips on mine. Thank god I have at least kissed boys before because this would be really embarrassing. Nikki has me pinned between him and the counter in front of the mirror. He moves his hands down to my skirt and pushes it up, once he has it up around my waist he pulls down my panties, once they are around my ankles, he lifts me to sit on top off the counter, my panties fall to the floor. He spreads my legs farther apart and stands in-between them.  I watched as he pulled himself out of his pants, god is this really going to happen. 

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