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Its been a few weeks since Nikki has moved in, everything is going well. He is mostly been working on music at the studio or at Tommy's. I, of course am still working doing my usual stuff as before. Ashley is over the moon having her daddy with her all the time. Becca is awesome as well, we have our little family. 

Today is Saturday and Nikki is heading to the studio again, he asked me to come down. Which I told him I didn't know if that was a good idea considering they knew Brandi, I'm not sure how it would go over with them thinking I'm the new girl or whatever. Nikki insisted that it would be okay, because he has told them about me. 

Since he left so early I told him once Ash was done with morning stuff, myself as well then we would make our way down. He smiled and said good, with a kiss and a smile off he went. Now on to how Nikki has been acting since staying here, first off he kisses me a lot, I'm not sure if he is just showing appreciation for me giving him a place to stay and be with his daughter, or if he thinks we are more then that. Honestly I don't know how I feel, I have always loved him, for the obvious reason, but do I want to be in a actual relationship with him? Second, we sleep in the same bed, every night he holds me to him as if I am going to disappear. Don't get me wrong I love it, but once again is he thinking more to it. We haven't had sex so I am not sure what is going through his mind when thinks or even talks about me.

Once everyone is ready, including Becca, we head out to the car and on our way to the studio. As soon as we pull up my hands being sweating and shaking, "Hey its going to be okay", Becca says, I just give her a tight lip smile and get out of the car, then help Ashley get out as well. We walk into the main door then the second door, and I see a few offices, then a desk, and I ask where Motley is. "Are they expecting you?", "Yes Nikki Sixx is", "Okay just a moment",  then a few minutes later I hear the familiar sound of jingling as Nikki appears in the doorway, "Come on", he picks up Ash and grabs my hand as we follow him down the hall. When we walked in to the room, which had a couch, and some computer equipment as well as a huge board, there sat the other three members. "Hey guys, this is Ashley", as he bounced her in his arm, "And this is my girl Rylynn or Ry, and that is Becca", all the guys said hey, "Ash this is your uncle Tommy, uncle Mick, and uncle Vince", Ashley had her broad smile and waved at them. Wait a minute his girl, we are definitely having a talk tonight.

The guys were having a blast with Ashley, she was having the time of her life with her new uncle's. So me, Nikki, and Becca were sitting on the couch just talking about stuff. "Hey we are going to have to head out soon, are you going to be home for dinner?", I asked Nikki. He nodded, "Yeah we are pretty much for today just a few things to go over", "Okay", so I get Ash, and ask Becca to take her out to the car, "Nikki, can we talk for a second?", "Yeah", so we go back into the hall way outside of the room, "Listen I know its probably not a big deal, but what was that my girl thing, in there", "Well you are, is it a problem?", "I mean we haven't talked about anything", "Well I feel like you are mine, do you want to be mine?", "I mean I have thought about it, I tell you what I will give you an answer tonight, okay?", "Okay", Nikki says with that sexy smirk, he leans down and puts a soft kiss on my lips. Well great now I have to really think about whether or not I want to be with Nikki. 

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the delay in updating, life has been chaotic. Any way hope you enjoy and love the feed back. Also attached is a pic of what I think Ashley looks like. Thanks 


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