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So its been about a week since I had purchased the dresses for me and Ashley, in that week I set up to have photos done. Since our dresses are matching, they are black with white flowers, and Nikki is also included he wore a black button up and black jeans. Once we got started with the pictures I knew they were going to come out perfect. There are some with all of us, some of just me, some with Nikki and me, then Ashley, Ash with Nikki, then Ash and my self. My lady said she would be sending them out to us in about a week, I'm so excited to have more pictures to hang. 

It was late afternoon when we finally got back home, Becca was on the couch channel surfing. "Hey guys, how did it go?", "They are going to turn out so good, we will have them in about a week", "Awesome can't wait to see them", "Ash baby, why do you go and change, and make to set your dress on the bed", "Okay mommy", "Why do you and Nikki go out tonight, you know go on a date", "I would but I don't have anyone to watch Ash", "Duh I will do it", "You don't want to be baby sitting on a saturday", "I have no plans, and I think you two deserve it",  so I look over at Nikki who is trying to hide his smirk which he is failing miserably, "Okay, then I am wearing a different outfit then, be ready soon", I get up from the couch and give Nikki a kiss on my way to the bedroom. 

Once I am done, I look in the mirror, I look pretty good. I decided to go with a white dress that is off the shoulders and comes down to about the middle of my thigh. I decided to go with a flat scandal instead of heels. When I walked back out to the living room, I'm pretty sure Nikki's jaw went to the floor. Hmm, guess I chose the right outfit. Me and Nikki headed out to a little restaurant that wasn't to far from the house. Its a nice quiet little place, with just candle lights on the table. It's very romantic, after placing our orders, Nikki decided to hold my hand, using his thumb to rub across my knuckles. "Can I ask you something?", Nikki says breaking the silence. "Yeah of course", "Do you think at some point you would want to find a house with me and move in", I was a bit in shock "I mean I have a house", "Yeah I know but we would pick one out together and we would live in it", "Umm what I am going to do about mine? I can't sell it, Becca has no where else to live", "Then let her stay there and don't worry about selling it", "I don't know, I would need some serious time to think about that", Nikki became kind of quiet after that I wasn't trying to hurt his feelings, it was just a really big step, and we just started this journey of being together. But Nikki is not one for patience when he wants something he just goes head first. The real question is it something I want to do.....yet?

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