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Dinner was finished and Ash was bathed and in bed, Becca had went out, so it was just me and Nikki. Nikki broke the silence first, "So have you decided what you want to do?", "I think I have always kinda knew, but considering the situation at the time I ignored it", I replied. "Okay so I'll ask again, do you want to be mine, do you want to be my girl?", "Yes I do", I said with a smile on my face. Nikki leaned over and kissed me, which quickly lead to a more passionate kiss, full of lust and hunger. 

We tried to be as quiet as possible during our becoming a official couple session, but we failed miserably. Ash didn't get woke up, but we did put a slight hole in the wall from the head board. As for me, well it was a bit hard to walk properly. Which in turn made Nikki giggle, and give me a half ass apology because I know he wasn't sorry, not even a little. 

The next morning Becca noticed my difficulties, and began giggling I was quick to tell her shut up. It was Sunday morning, the usual 'not much going on' day. Nikki suggested that me and Becca go and have some time to our self's while he and Ash spent some time together. Which sounds like a good idea to me, considering that other then work I am always with Ash. So I thanked Nikki, gave Ash a kiss as well as Nikki and off we went. 

Me and Becca came across a little cafe and decided to get some coffee, "So are you guys official now?" Becca asks, "Yeah he asked me last night", "How do you feel about it?" "I mean I have wanted to be with him, but I just put it off because he was never around really" "So you decided to give it a chance", "Well yeah at least for Ash, I mean she needs her dad, and Nikki completely adores her" "Well I am happy for you, finally something in your life is right", "I love you Bec I would be completely lost with you", "I love you too". We spent the majority of the day walking into various shops looking to see if we liked anything. I did find the cutest little summer dress for Ash, and my self as well. I had been thinking of getting family photos done for awhile, all I have is some snap shots and Ash's school pictures of course, but I wanted something cute done. Other then the dresses I also got some much needed undergarments, and few others things I had come across. Before we knew it, it was getting late in the day so we decided to head back, and figure out dinner for the night.

When me and Becca walked into the house, I seen the cutest thing in my life. Nikki and Ash were on the couch, Ash was curled up on Nikki's lap with her head laying on his chest, Nikki's arms wrapped around her and his head laying back against the couch, both were sound asleep. So as quietly as I could put my bags down and grabbed my camera and snapped a picture. That was definitely a keeper. 

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