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The next morning waking up after hearing my alarm go off, I turn to see Nikki sound asleep. He looks so peaceful and innocent, now I know where Ashley gets it from. She really was a copy of her dad. I turn off the alarm and go wake up Ash so we can get her ready for school and then me for work. I decided to leave a note for Becca letting her know that Nikki was there sleeping. Then I left one for him. 

Even though I barely had enough sleep, I was happy and full of energy. Everyone at work seem to notice as well. I didn't care I was in my own little world. I told Nikki that if he wanted to talk about everything going on then I would be there for him. So I'm hoping after work he takes me up on the offer, I honestly I'm starting to hate not having him with me, which is going to lead to problems. 

When I arrived home from work I was surprised to see Nikki still here, "Hey have you been here all day?", "Yeah we didn't go to the studio today so figured I would stick around and see Ash when she got home from school", "Well I'm glad you did", "So I got your note and I really appreciate the offer, 'cause honestly I don't know what to do", "Well I'm going to start dinner we can talk, if you want?", "Yeah I would like that", I sent Ash to her room to play while I made dinner. 

"Okay so tell you what is happening", "We had a meeting yesterday with the lawyers, and Brandi is trying to get the house plus spousal support, she is trying to take everything away, plus cars its just ridiculous", "Well how long were you married for?", "Like 5 yrs, I would give her the house, I don't like it any way, but the money plus cars c'mon", "I mean yeah you could just go buy another house", "Yeah but that takes time, and I would have to wait for the divorced to be finalized that way she can't take the new place too", "I mean you could move in here, just put some of your stuff in storage", "Seriously? You would let me live here?", "of course I would its my house and you are Ash's father", "What about Becca? What would she say?", "She wouldn't say anything, she loves that you are in Ash's life, and never had bad feelings towards you", "Well then I guess its settled, when should I move in?", "When ever you want", I looked at Nikki with a smile.  I knew it would be good for Ash to have her dad all the time, but was I really ready to live with Nikki? Time will tell.....

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