「The Beginning of a Family Legacy」

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Y/N= Your name
L/N= Last name
H/C= Hair colour
H/L= Hair length
E/C= Eye Colour

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"Just where do you think you're going?" The girl huffed, eyes floating over the bags near the door.

"I told you Y/N, I'm going on a trip that's crucial to my work." Father smiled.

It wasn't the first time he went on a trip that had no real time frame, but I could never get used to it.

"Y'know, I can never get used to you leaving days on end with no real sign of return right?"

"I am aware daughter, but you know I always return right? I mean I'm here now." He chuckled, the same chuckle that always put me at ease.

"Besides, you have your mother and your sister, Hiyori here. With those two here you'll never even notice I'm gone. Plus you'll have school, so you won't have time to think about me since you'll be doing your work, right?"

The way he could calm me with a mere three sentences never ceased to amaze that me. Father emitted this aura that could calm just about anyone, it didn't matter if you were family or a stranger. Father just had a way with words.

"Okay, I guess I can live with you leaving again..." Y/N pouted, trying her hardest to think of other ways to convince her dad despite knowing that her efforts were futile.

"O-Oh what about my training huh? Who's gonna coach me while you're gone? Mom can't do it since she doesn't even know what the hell to do." Y/N grinned, holding head up high.

"Language." Father groaned.

"Oops, my bad. But come on you're the only person here who can teach me ham-" Father put his index finger to my mouth before I could finish.

"Remember what I said? We don't speak of it in the house." He winked.

"Tch, yeah yeah..."

My father grabbed my hands and looked at me with his sympathetic eyes.

"Look I know how hard you're trying to keep me here, but I can't stay. There's something important I need to do in Egypt and I can't stand idly by and let it happen."

"Egypt? What's so important in Egypt?" Y/N inquired.

"Ha, let's make a deal okay? When I come back I can tell you everything I was working on and my reason for leaving for Egypt. As a bonus, we'll get back to your training and work twice as hard when I get back. Deal?"

My eyes lit up in anticipation for the day when my father returned knowing that he spoke nothing but the truth.


"And for compensation for my last-minute leave, I'll give you this." Father walked towards the closet and rummaged around for a good ten seconds until he pulls out a purple jacket.
"I got this when I was around your age and it gave me nothing but luck." He said with a grin.

The jacket was in good condition despite sitting in the closet for god knows how long. It was a button up and had white sleeves and black and purple stripes on both the collar and cuffs. The name L/N could be found on the back with white letters and black outlining.

"It's perfect..." Y/N choked out, tears trailing down her face.

"Hey hey, no need to cry. It's just something I thought would help with my absence."

"What about Mom and Hiyori?" Y/N tilted her head.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that. I gave both of them something last night when I went to tell them about my trip." Father said.

Beep Beep

"That's probably my cab." He said while picking up his luggage.

Without a single word, Y/N carried half of her father's bags with a soft smile on her face. The duo walked towards the cab and packed everything in the trunk. Once she closed the trunk, Y/N couldn't help but cry at the thought of her father leaving once more, but she knew he'd come back... she hoped he'd come back.
No words were said, their actions spoke louder than words when they held each other in an embrace which felt like it could go on forever. Y/N couldn't find it in her heart to let go, but she knew she didn't have a choice in the matter.

"You always were a sweet girl, Y/N. Always doing what was right. I couldn't be prouder of you." His kind words were like bullets and hit you straight through your heart. It was bad enough that you were going off like waterfall, but now he's making it harder to say goodbye.

"Y-you're making this h-hard for me. You k-know that r-right?" Y/N could barely get those words out of her mouth without stuttering.

"I know... I know."

The wind blew softly against your H/L H/C hair, revealing your red, puffy eyes from under your bangs. The tears which streamed down your face seemed like they weren't going to cease anytime soon. Soft hiccups escaped from your mouth as you tried to calm yourself, but your attempts were wasted every time you looked at your father. He could barely keep himself together, but did so for your sake. You thought you heard him mutter something, but you decided against saying something.

"I should go, don't want to miss my flight."

"Ya, then you'd have to stay." Y/N giggled.

"Nah I'd probably get on the next plane." Father beamed.

"You're hilarious. I'm practically dying of laughter." Sarcasm was laced in your voice, but you couldn't help but snicker.

"I love you. Don't you ever forget that okay."

"I love you too dad."

And with that, the taxi went on its way leaving you in its dust. You couldn't help but clutch your new jacket tighter and tighter as you watched the cab drive into the horizon with your father along for the ride.

"Please come back soon dad... we'll all be here waiting. Just please be safe." Y/N finally spoke up. The words she couldn't find when her father was here showed themselves at the worst possible moment.

The moment he wasn't there anymore.
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Ahhh my first chapter is finished! Holy crap. I don't know what to say since this is my first fanfic but I really hope that the people reading this enjoys it. I will admit that there probably are some mistakes here and I'll start cleaning the chapters up once I get a few up here. Alright, that's probably enough talk from me.

Thanks for reading

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