「Who Shall be the Judge?」

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My amazing friend drew some reference art for Y/N. I decided that place holder Y/N in the story art would be my very own oc!
Credit for the wonderful art is @duriancup on Twitter

The trip to the nurse's office felt longer than it really was to Y/N. Mostly because both you and Jotaro had students left and right, staring at the bizarre sight laid out in front of them. You couldn't help but feel uneasy, as you shifted in the delinquent's grasp. He peered over to you for a split second before turning back to face the path in front of him. The glance was brief and yet at that moment, you noticed a hint of worry in his eyes.

The two of you finally made it to the nurse's office after being stared at like some carnival attraction: odd and only happening for a limited time.

Kujo placed you into the bed next to a pair of students trying to pull a fast one on the HOT nurse. He then sat himself down in the chair alongside the nurse.

The slight rolling of the chair caught the nurse's attention and she turned her head to see two new students in her office.
Somehow the conversation went from the cause of the injury to how Jotaro is some "scatterbrain" and finally, it went as far as to him taking off his pants all because he's too damn stubborn.

"While JoJo is taking off his pants I'll take both of your temperatures to prove you're nothing but big fakers!" The nurse reached into her pocket to grab the thermometer.

You averted your eyes to the ceiling to avoid the peering eyes of the pansy-ass delinquents and the stripping Kujo. You only closed your eyes for a second only for them to flash open when you heard screams on your righthand side.

"H-hey what are you doing with that pen?" The delinquent nearly pissed his pants.

"I'm just shaking the thermometer to reset it!" Her voice was raspy, almost like there was something stuck in her throat.

Her voice echoed throughout the office that everyone's attention was diverted to the crazed nurse. It sounded insane, but you could've sworn that you saw something green slither up the nurse's skirt.

Just what in the hell was going on today?

"If you really think this thermometer looks like a pen the how about you take a CLOSER LOOK!" In the blink of an eye, the pen made contact with the boy's eye, blood gushing everywhere and only screams a maniacal laugh filled the once deadly silent infirmary.

Y/N was visibly sweating bullets, watching the scene unfold in front of her. She couldn't comprehend what had happened, it was like something from a horror movie crawled from the big screen and presented itself in front of her very eyes.

It wasn't long after that the pair of students scrambled off the beds and ran out of the office, one of them holding their eye, clearly in agony. The nurse slowly turned her body to face Jotaro, who seemed to be in the same state of shock as you.

"JoJo... You're not going to say that this looks like a pen are you?!" She drew closer to Jotaro, getting ready to make him suffer the same fate as the boy before.

She then lunged at him with seemingly full force, aiming for his eye just like what she did before. Except she was stopped halfway by a firm, yet delicate hand.

"The hell you doing bitch?" Jotaro's voice rang out, clearly irritated.

"What does it look like, huh? I'm saving your ass! Now move outta the way!" You easily lied through your teeth, as you pulled the nurse further away from Jotaro. In all honesty, you had no idea what the hell you were doing, it was like your body moved on its own. You couldn't stop now though! You had the woman right where you wanted her.

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