Chapter 9.

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I shot up and raced for the door,but Mr.Tiller was blocking it. The man held his knife at Ben and I,as we backed up against the wall. We were basically surrounded by these strangers. "What have you done with my father?"I yelled. But before the man could answer,Ben drew out his pistol and shot him. "The window!" Ben shouted,as we hurdled out,with Mr.Tiller and a few others jumping out as well. Ben drew his sword,and threw a sword to me that he looted. We fought off most of them,until one guy shot my leg. Suddenly,we heard other people. "Charge!" I heard Edward scream,as he and his men came at full force. Swords slashed,pistols fired,people died. When the smoke lifted,me,Edward,Ben,and about 8 or 9 men were the only ones standing.

The next morning Ben and Edward were about to board the ship,hoping to meet up with other ships with a few prisoners on their ships. Ben kissed me,then picked me up and held me. "I'm goin to miss seeing your pretty face everyday,you know,"he said. "I know,"I said. He put me down,and walked onto the ship. But before they set sail,I yelled,"Wait! I want to come with you!"

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