Chapter 1: Origins

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*5 years earlier*

(Y/n)'s pov

"Well (y/n)?" What did you need to tell us?" My mother said. "Yeah son! You can tell us anything!" Said my father as he was drinking some coffee. "Well.... I, um...... I'm..... gay....." I stuttered out, then quickly bit my lip. "YOU'RE WHAT?" My parents screamed in unison. "YOU CAN'T BE GAY, WE ARE CATHOLICS!" My mother roared. "NO SON OF MINE IS A FAIRY, YOU SHOULD LEAVE BEFORE WE BEAT YOU TO DEATH YOU ***" My father screamed before he started to make his way to me. I ran as fast as I could to my room with tears in my eyes. "I.. I can't believe... what they said" I wimpered as I started to get some things to leave. After 15 minutes I managed to pack a little bag with some clothes and other essentials. "Where am I supposed to go?" I started to cry again, but then I quickly remembered that my aunt lives pretty close to us. I always wondered why we never see her or why my parents never talk about her, well I guess I'll see for myself. I left my room and ran out of the house, not looking back once. "GO TO HELL YOU GAY FUCK!" Was the last thing I heard my parents say to me

(Achak's pov)

As I was walking around my territory searching for my next meal, I heard screaming from about 3 miles away. "Hmm, this sounds interesting! Better go check it out!" I was able to get to the source of the screaming not even 40 seconds later to see it was coming from a human's house. What the fuck is going on in there? I thought to myself as I see and hear what's happening. A child, no older than 12 is getting verbally abused, and getting physical threats by his parents for being gay? "This sight makes me sick to my stomach, I'm going to enjoy devouring those older humans" I said as I felt my cold blood boil. I just have to wait for the perfect time to strike! I saw the child run away from his house about 20 minutes after and hear "GO TO HELL YOU GAY FUCK!" Now's the time to feast. I let myself in through an open window after changing to my human form. "I can't believe our son turned out to be a disgraceful fa..... who the hell are you?" The child's parents said after seeeing me "Oh me?" I said ready to pounce "JUST THE LAST THING YOU'LL EVER SEE" I screamed while changing to my wendigo form, and tearing them to pieces before finally feasting.

*timeskip 20 minutes*

(Y/n)'s pov

I finally arrived at my aunt's house! I cheered to myself as it was just getting dark! I rang the doorbell and waited. "(Y/n)? Is that you?" My aunt asked. "Hi Aunt Emma! It is me" I replied as she let me inside her house. "So, what brings you here (y/n)? I thought your parents didn't want you to see me" My aunt asked as I get ready to come out to her, fearing the same reaction. "Well, I told them that I'm.... gay, and they kicked me out" I replied putting my head down. Soon I was being hugged by my aunt "I'm so happy for you (y/n)!" I was shocked! "You're..... not..... disgusted?" I stuttered in disbelief. "Of course not! (Y/n) the reason your parents didn't want you to see me is because I'm a lesbian." My eyes widened. "(Y/n), we are family! I love you no matter what! And you can stay here from now on!" My aunt said smiling. "Thank you so much Aunt Emma!"

*5 years later*

(Y/n) wake up! You don't want to be late for school do you?" It's been 5 years since that day, 5 years since my aunt let me live here. 5 years since my parents went missing. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand they are my parents. On the other they disowned me after I came out. "(Y/n) please tell me you're awake? Breakfest is almost ready! I hear my aunt say from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah! I'm awake! I'll be down shortly!" "Ok!" After my aunt replies I start to get ready for the day and..... school..... I shiver at the thought of what might happened

*744 words*

Ok, so this is my very first story and I hope it's decent so far 😅 I do want to continue making this, but only if it's decent enough to read. I hope you like it so far! *any kind of feedback would be greatly appreciated*

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