Unexpected hero pt 2

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                               (Achak's) pov

"If you say that word one more time, I'm going to make all of you regret waking up this morning" I feel myself starting to get more and more agitated and running low on patience "Why, what are you going to do? Are you some kind of f**?" Their ring leader screamed at me. Ok..... that's it.... I smiled at them evilly as I started laughing. "Oh, yes I am!" "Now it's time to make you suffer". They started to back away as I continue towards them......

(Y/n's) pov

I don't think I can watch what's about to happen, there's something off about this strange, yet really attractive guy. Yet I'm also feeling a weird sense of compfort since he showed up. I don't know if I should run and hide or just stay still and hope that he fights them off....... Probably the latter since I'm too afraid to move.

(Achak's) pov

I look into these bastards eyes with hate and anger, but soften my gaze a bit as I see my little human shivering in fear. "I really can't fucking stand people like you! Always acting like you're better than anyone else cause you get everything handed to you" "So who's getting their ass kicked first?" I can't change into my wendigo form here, it wouldn't be wise to do so. Besides, I don't plan on killing these guys just yet. If they keep hurting (y/n), then I'll tear them apart and eat their flesh. For now, they need to be taught a lesson. I'm guessing no one has ever stood up to them until now, good. I can be the first to show them what it's like to feel weak. And that's when one of them took off grabbing his stuff and leaving his friends "Hey Dylan, where the fuck are you going?" Both of them screamed "Fuck you both, I'm out of here" He yelled back. The other two turned towards me then looked at each other. "Well, are you two going to stay and fight? Or run like the little cowards you are" I mocked them, trying to get them to stay and fight so I can teach them a lesson. But, they both decided to run away aswell, grabbing their belongings as I walk to (y/n) to make sure he's ok

(Y/n's) pov

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt someone put their hand on me gently "Hey, are you okay?" Their voice was soft yet deep at the same time, so I slowly opened my eyes only to stare at who it was. It was the strange guy who showed up to protect me from those jerks, to which I was slightly blushing looking at him. He has beautiful brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes, his skin looks smooth and well taken care of, and he's really tall. Holy crap I'm just now realizing how tall he is, and also that I'm staring since he started waving his hand in front of me. "Hey, hey are you okay?" I nodded my head "Yeah, I'm sorry I guess I just spaced out for a second" I shyly laughed trying to play it off. "Thank you so much for helping me, though you didn't have to" I looked down at the ground when he gave me his hand so I can stand up "What do you mean I didn't have to? Of course I did! I couldn't watch them hurt you and not do anything about it" I took his hand and he helped me up "What's your name if you don't mind me asking? I'm (y/n)" He smiled brightly "It's nice to meet you (y/n), my name is Achak"

(A/n): Wow it's been way too long since I got a chapter out. I hope everyone is staying safe and doing what they can to stay healthy! I'm going to try to be more active and write more, I promise 😅
Peace for now ✌🏻

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