artist | inosuke

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It was a peaceful afternoon. The sun was high up the sky, the birds' chirps were harmonizing into a beautiful melody, and the gentle breeze of the air softly grazed your skin. It was everything you've ever wished for, just a time to enjoy peace alone. You used this opportunity to grab your pencil and paper and began to scribble whatever you had in your mind.

Other than doing missions, you were usually found inside your room, drawing away. Even though you used most of your free time to draw, you just considered it as a hobby of yours; but to the select few who have seen your art, they have always encouraged you to try and become a full-fledged artist.

After a few minutes of mindless doodling, you found yourself drawing a picture of Inosuke. Your hand immediately came to a halt as your face began to heat up. "Wh-what is he doing here?" Due to your talent for drawing, it actually looked good and kinda hot. Your thoughts began to drift over to Inosuke. Your face became more red as the palms of your hands moved to cover your scarlet face. What am I even thinking?

You took a deep breath and grabbed your eraser. "Even though this looks hella fine, I need to snap you out of existence. I'm sorry." But, before your eraser could even touch the paper, the door to your room slammed open; and out came the boy you last wanted to see.

As if it were instinct, you took the paper and flipped it over, preventing him to see the drawing you made. "Inosuke?! What are you doing in my room?!" You frantically yelled at the boar-headed boy.

"Don't play dumb with me, (wrong version of your name)! You know what exactly is going to happen!" He exclaimed as he pointed one of his nichirin blades at you. "I have no idea what you're talking about!" You said.

He began to inhale a huge amount of air and yelled with all his might, "(wrong version of your name), I challenge you to a duel!" Before you could reply, he started to run at you with full speed, with his head forward. "Pig Assault!" You managed to dodge his attack just in time. His head collided with your wooden desk instead which made a loud 'thud'. All the items on your desk either fell off the desk or flipped over due to the tremendous force.

"Inosuke, I don't want to fight you!" You tried to convince the boy since you didn't want to hurt him, but he was just persistent on defeating you. "You're just saying that to trick me, huh? Very clever!" He huffed and began to run at you again. You prepared to dodge his attack once again, but all you heard was an "Ouch!"

Your eyes became wide when you saw Inosuke laying on his back on the floor, but your eyes became wider when you realised what he slipped on. "This stupid paper! I'm going to challenge you nex-" His voice faltered once his eyes laid upon the drawing.. of himself. He laid there, silent. All he did was stare at the drawing.

Watching the scene unfold, you started to sweat bullets. Your heart beat was getting faster by the second. You couldn't take the embarrassment and ran out of the room. You didn't know why, but tears threatened to fall off the brim of yours eyes. The sounds of your footsteps stomping on the wooden floor echoed throughout the hallway. You reached the door that lead outside, but you were suddenly pulled back by a strong hand.

You knew who it was, but you didn't dare to turn to look at him. "Inosuke, I..." Then, you were suddenly pulled into a warm embrace. You couldn't help but let your heart beat faster. "You know, (Name), I never knew you drew things like that." He whispered to your ear. It send shivers down your spine. "But I like it."

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