wrong order | rengoku

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You were frustrated, very frustrated. The whole day, you had done nothing. And you hated these kinds of days where you would mindlessly walk around your seemingly empty estate. These kinds of days make you feel like there is something that's needed to be done, but you just don't know what you need to do - which leaves you bothered all day.

After about an hour of wandering around your estate, you head back to your room. Every sound you made echoed throughout the area, which only reminded you how empty this place really is. You slid the door open and didn't hesitate to jump on your futon. You heaved a sigh as you stared at the ceiling of your room. "The silence makes me really miss that crow's annoying voice." Your eyes slowly began to get heavy and you soon find yourself drifting off to sleep.

Tossing and turning in your sleep, you tried to grab your second pillow, but instead you grabbed a fistful of something else. Your (eye color) eyes slowly fluttered open. Unfortunately, you weren't able to process what was happening - but as you rub the sleep off of your eyes, you soon meet the bright, golden eyes of Kyojuro staring right at yours.

You glanced at your hand and realised that you were actually grabbing his hair. Immediately letting go, you shot up from your sleeping position and so did Kyojuro. "O-oh, I'm sorry about that! I thought you were my pillow so I tried to grab-" Your voice was interrupted by Kyojuro's lips on yours.

He flashed his blinding smile at you, "No need to worry, (Name)! It doesn't hurt at all!" You sheepishly smile as a response and rubbed the nape of your neck. You properly fixed your position as you turn to look at your loved one, "Anyway, what are you doing here Kyojuro?" You asked.

"What? Can't I visit my beautiful (Name)?" He answered, his smile never leaving his face. His cheerful aura made you smile at him once more, "Well, I'm glad you came. I was nearly dying of boredom earlier." You stood up from your futon and dusted off your uniform and your haori. "Since you're here, wanna do something?"

His face became as red as a tomato, "L-Like what?" You lightly smacked him on the head, "That's not what I meant!"

You crossed your arms and stared at the ceiling. You were deep in thought when suddenly, you heard a low grumble coming from your boyfriend's stomach. Your ears perked up and you lifted your head to beam him a smile. "Kyojuro, you genius!"

"Food! Let's get some food!" You exclaimed, "That sounds like a plan." Kyojuro replied, patting his belly as he thinks about all the tasty food he could get.

You grabbed some money and shoved it in the pockets of your uniform and walked towards the door. "(Name)." You heard Kyojuro call out. You instantly turned to only see him with his arms stretched out, asking you to help him stand up. "You big goof." You said before helping him up.

"Thanks!" He cheered and gave you a light kiss on the forehead.

• • •

The moon was high and the stars were shining brightly. You always find yourself looking above, just like how you were at your estate. The walk to the restaurant was peaceful and you were fortunate that there were no demons in the way.

As you neared your destination, your eyes squinted at the bright and colorful lights the restaurant had. It reminded you of the time you were in Asakusa. Upon this sight, Kyojuro's stomach grumbled louder. "Let's go in." He gently grabbed your wrist and lead you inside. It was even brighter inside, you had a hard time adjusting to the light.

The both of you approached the cashier. Your eyes wandered off to the menu above. There were so many options that a small string of saliva went down your lips. You felt a hand nudged your shoulder, "(Name), what would you like?" You blinked your eyes and all the food from your thought went poof. "Oh! Uh, I would like (your favorite food) and (your favorite drink) if that's alright." You answered and smiled at the woman in front of you.

"Alright, your orders will arrive shortly. Please have a seat while you wait." The woman softly smiled at the both of you and proceeded to the kitchen. Kyojuro managed to find a beautiful spot. You sat first onto the pillows, cross-seated and gazed out the huge glass-paned window which gave you the best view of the moon. You had your chin resting on your left hand and stared at the window. Your eyes sparkled along with the stars.

Meanwhile, Kyojuro was looking at you instead. His heart was fluttering and a smile crept up his face.

Minutes later, two plastic bags was placed on the table. The woman bowed at the both of you before leaving the area. "Let's go home. I'm excited to try out these food!" He exclaimed.

On the way back home, Kyojuro's stomach continued to grumble even more. A little bite won't hurt right? He thought. He peaked inside the plastic bag in search for his food. But instead, he discovered something else.

"(Name)!" He called, which made you jump. You had your hand on your chest, "You made me jump there, what is it?" Instead of saying anything, he walked towards you and widely opened the plastic bag. He pointed at the bag, "You ordered (your favorite food), right? But I don't see it here."

"Ah.. That's okay. I have some food at home."

"No, I refuse. My darling should get her meal." Then he ran like the speed of light in the opposite direction. "Wait! Kyojuro!" Chasing after him was a nightmare. He was filled with determination that his speed increased by twenty-percent, or even more. You caught up and had your hands on your knees as you struggled to catch your breath.

You looked up to see Kyojuro demanding to give the missing meal, his voice booming throughout the entire restaurant. The woman was overwhelmed by his voice that she was sweating bullets and frantically gave apologies to the Flame Pillar. "C-coming right up, sir!" And she rushed to the kitchen.

Still panting, you put a hand on his shoulder, "Ky-Kyojuro, there's no need." You inhaled, "I'm not that hungry anyway."

To your surprise, he cupped your face with his large hands. Heat radiating off of it. He looked directly at you, "I love you too much that I couldn't let this slide." You sighed in defeat and looked the other way, avoiding his gaze.


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