confession | zenitsu

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It was a brand new day again. The sun was just rising but you were already filled with excitement since you were going to visit your friend at the forest nearby. Usually, you would wake up earlier than your grandfather and sneak out of the small home and then immediately running towards the forest. You giggled as you ran through the small wooden bridge, jumping over the plants and vines that had grown on the bridge overtime.

Your smile widened as you saw your boar-headed friend bending his body over until his head was in between his legs on top of a huge boulder. You waved at him vigorously and he nearly toppled over at your sudden appearance. "You! I told you to stay away from me!" He yelled whilst pulling out his small fists.

He was ready to brawl, but you were grinning ear to ear. "You promised that we would train together, right?"

"I didn't promise you anything! Besides, you look too weak to even go against me, ha!" He began to bend his body again, this time - he was doing a handstand while he legs were doing a split. Your eyes sparkled with awe as you watched with marvel. "I want you to teach me how to do that when we train, Inosuke-kun!"

"Like I ever will." He retaliated.

The next couple of minutes, he continued to train like you didn't exist at all. Meanwhile, you sat there watching the boy practice his moves. You were laying flat on your belly and had your feet swing side-to-side as you watched.

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed throughout the forest. The birds flew away upon hearing his bellows. You shot up from your position and waved your friend goodbye, "I gotta go, gramps is calling me! See you tomorrow, Inosuke-kun." Then you skipped back home.

The next morning, you woke up early once again and walked to the forest. Instead of seeing your boar-headed friend training, he had his back leaned against the huge boulder and had his eyes closed. You couldn't help but notice his loud snores.

You grabbed a wooden stick that was nearby and began to poke his boar mask. After several attempts, he was still soundly sleeping as if those pokes were nothing but a mere fly. You puffed your cheeks out, clearly annoyed that your friend was still asleep.

Quickly scanning your surroundings, your eyes eyed a couple of pebbles. "I hope this wakes you up, Inosuke-kun!" You happily said as you threw the pebble with all your might.

His snoring stopped. You furrowed eyebrows once you saw a small trickle of blood dripping down his forehead. The snout of his boar mask moved, as if it was sniffing and he jolted from his position. "What the hell?!"

"Yay~! You're awake!"

"I told you to stop coming here!"

• • •

Over the years, you still came and visited your friend everyday. Inosuke had many attempts to keep you from arriving and those attempts varied from him transferring to others places to him pretending he was someone else, but you always managed to figure it out in the end.

He eventually gave up and just acknowledged that your annoying presence will be there all the time.

In the end, the two of you became close friends. You both joined the Final Selection together, trained, and did missions together.

One day, the two of you were informed of a new mission. It was difficult to do missions with Inosuke because all his actions were reckless. During the mission, the two of you found a blonde-haired boy that was scared out of his wits and a burgundy-haired boy that was the literal definition of 'sunshine'.

You had to save the blonde-haired boy, whose name you soon learned was Zenitsu Agatsuma, from Inosuke's wrath. Karma hit him soon when the burgundy-haired boy that was named Tanjirou Kamado, hit him hard on the head.

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