Chapter 5

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"Hello?" Dark said, confused of who this was.

"Ich am Reichtangle, vater of Third Reich," the tall figure said. "Ich wanted to speak with him."

Dark nodded, "follow me." He guided the taller country to Dark's room. Third was laying on the bed, sleeping still. His breathing was deep and steady.

Dark brushed his hair out of the shorter country's eyes, "Third? Baby, it's time to wake up."

Third groaned and turned over, snugging deeper into the blankets.

"Ich can come back again," Reichtangle said, bowing. "Danke. (Thank you.)"

Dark watched Reichtangle leave before he made himself some maple syrup tea. What? He was still Canada. 

Later that day, both Dark and Third decided to go to IKEA for no particular reason just to look at the setups and ideas for a new house. 

At the large furniture store that they both adore the smell of, they went up to the second floor and wander around, Dark dragging Third to the setups, pointing to ones he likes. They paid no mind to how everyone stared at them, wide-eyed. 

Dark whispered to Third the idea of staying in the bathroom until they closed and messing up the setups. Third smiled sadistically at this agreeing immediately. 

Somehow, they got to closing time, passing the time by making out vigorously on the counters (sometimes leading to one of them getting a blowjob), talking, doing each other's hair, and switching clothes. 

At midnight, the two crept out of the bathroom, moving to a child's setup. 

(tHeRe Is No SuCh ThInG aS sEcUrItY cAmErAs)

Dark gently lifted up the famed photo and put it on the floor, taking a hatstand and beating it repeatedly. Third knocked over the bedside table, causing a glass to shatter and a clock to break. They both shared a kiss as they rip off the sheets of the bed, tearing them in the process due to their sharp nails. 

They move to another room, laughing quietly and holding hands. This room looked to be an adult's room. Dark kissed Third on the cheek before taking the photos off the walls and smashing them on the ground. Third tipped over a bookshelf causing a loud crash. 

"This was an amazing idea, Liebeling," Third said, sitting on the bed once a few more rooms were destroyed. Dark was sitting beside him, holding his hand. 

"Thank you for joining me in my insane ideas," Dark said, moving to sit behind Third. 

"Always," Third whispered. 

Dark got off the bed and bowed, holding out his hand, "Will you join me in continuing our treatorus work of art?"

Third blushed, taking Dark's hand and standing up, "Oh, please guide me, kind sir, to our next destination." Dark smiled and led Third to the kitchen area. 

Third sat on the counter as Dark literally scavenged for food, even if he knew there wouldn't be any. He looked through the cupboards and pantry, soon turning restless and clawing the wallpaper. 

"If you do this to our house, I will literally murder you," Third said, jumping off the counter and holding Dark's waist. 

Dark let out a sigh and leaned his head back, holding Third's arms as they started swaying to inaudible music. 

"What are you two doing here?" The deep voice of a certain Korean asked. 

Dark turned around and smiled dreamily, "Destroying this place. You?"

"Doing the same," North said. "Because South works here. The person who makes sure everything is in order before the store opens."

Third giggled, "He's going to have fun." 

North agreed to come with them and continue destroying the poor furniture store. 

Third and Dark went home happy, hand-in-hand, and slept soundly that night. 

End of this book

Words: 616

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