Chapter 2

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So so so sorry I'm horribly late

Canada woke up on a cold, cement floor. He opened his eyes slightly to find himself in the centre of what seemed to be a pentagram. Candles sat on each of the points where the star touched the outer circle. It was dark. No other light than the flames.

"Rid the demon of his soul," a voice that seemed to be reading from somewhere said. "And— I dunno, let him be?"

Canada tried to sit up, but was tied down to the floor by what seemed to be ropes.

"Let me go!" Canada yelled, tears starting to form. "Please!"

"Once that demon is gone," America said.

Canada shook his head violently, "he's not a demon! He's my friend! Please, America!"



Canada groaned, sitting up and opening his eyes. He looked around and saw he was in his bed in his room. His family was there.

And Dark.

In his own body.

"Dark? Are you okay?" Canada asked, lifting his head and resting it on his lap. "Please wake up."

A low groan, "N...Nada?"

"That's me, Dark," Canada said, gently stroking his cheek.

"Wh... Who's touching us?" Dark growled, trying to bat away his hands.

"Me," Canada said. "We got separated."

Dark's eyes snapped open and he sat up, looking around. Canada watched his eyes land on America's scowl, France's smile, and Britain's glare.

"They... They can see me?" Dark asked, looking back at Canada.

"Yes," Canada said. "Happy?"

Dark stared at Canada.

"Why wouldn't I be?"




Canada curled closer to Dark, covering his ears. His parents were fighting. Again.

"It's okay," Dark said, hugging Canada. He started softly singing a lullaby.

A loud crash was echoed by more screams and Canada buried his head into Dark's neck, letting out a soft sob.



Canada held himself as he shook, crying. "They won't stop..." He mumbled.

"Do you want me to get you something?" Dark asked, rubbing his back lightly.

Canada shook his head, "stay..."

"If that's what you want."

~The next day - CountryHumans High School~

Canada walked wearily though the gates, his counterpart beside him, glaring anyone who dared look wrongly at Canada. They made it to class and Dark sat in the back with North Korea while Canada sat in his usual spot in the middle with China.

Canada heard Dark and North talking and laughing.

"Canada! Come sit back here with us!" Dark invited, waving his hand. Canada smiled and nodded, climbing out of his seat and walking over to the three desks in the back.

North smiled slightly, "hello." Canada smiled back, sitting in the middle desk.

"Bonjour, (Hello,)" Canada greeted.

"Okay—" Dark tried to breathe through his laughing. "Y—You have to listen to the full story."

Canada raised an eyebrow, "after you calm down."

"That's besides the point, Nada," Dark said, waving his hand to try and brush off the fact he was suffocating—even though he was technically a demon. "S—So, North—"

The deafening sound of the intercom burned through the students' ears.

"Teachers, lock down. I repeat, lock down."

Canada felt anxiety push away his smile. His hands started sweating and started to shake. America jumped out of his desk and ran to Canada, trapping him in a hug.

"Just breathe," America soothed.

"D—Dark, he—"

Dark pulled Canada out of America's grip, "I can take care of him."


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