Leaving Home

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Alex P.O.V
Once I get home from the beach it's about 3 pm. I take my board with me just in case Mase wants me to pack it up. I've decided it's inevitable that we're moving. See the thing with Mason and I is that we are both so stubborn it could literally end up killing one of us! But since he see's that I won't budge he always pulls out the, "I adopted you and helped you through your transformations!" card on me, but he only uses that on big things. So then at that I always cave in and end up and letting him win the argument.
I put my board up against the wall outside and walk in to a Major display of PDA between Mason and Katherine. "EWW okay no, not in my house, bloody hell stop!" I say as I cover my eyes. They immediately pull away and look towards me. I take my hands of my eyes and see Katherine smirking at me and Mason wide eyed and looking at me. As soon as Mason sobers up he says to me, " We're leaving in 2 hours. I got Katherine to pack up al you're girly clothes etc so you're all set just pack a bag with some things you wanna take. I have a feeling we'll be there for a while." I groaned at the words, "Katherine packed your girly clothes and stuff." Ugh she touched my stuff now I'm gonna have to sterilize them!
"Alex are you not gonna say thanks to Kathy?" Mason said to me as I began walking towards and up the stairs. I shouted back, "NOT IN THIS LIFE TIME!" Back to him and heard the bitch say "Rude"
As I walked into the room barely any of my clothes were in the drawers and my walk in closet was practically bare. I breathed in the beachy ocean scent of my room for one of the last times. I walked over to my bed and saw there was an outfit already picked out with a note attached to it saying, "Hope you like the Outfit - Katherine xx," Ugh. Even though she can be mean and cruel I have to admit that she has a killer fashion taste! Right then there was a knock on the door and I said a quiet come in. I turned around and saw that it was the one and only Katherine Pierce.
"Hey," She said as she entered and I said hey back. "I know we've never been the best of friends but I hope that you can understand that I'm not planning on stabbing Mason in the back." She gave me a small smile and sat down on my bed beside the outfit that she had picked out for me. I then said, "Katherine, face it we have never been friends even since the first day I met you I had a deep loathing for because you were a vampire. But I honestly don't think you're that bad. You act all tough and you only got turned when you were 17 and you're eyes show that you've never really trusted someone. Trust me I want to accept you and Mason but I can't. Before you came along it was just me and him and now he wants me to move all the way to mystic falls for you and honestly i'm pissed off about it. All though you do have a killer fashion sense. Let's make a deal I don't hate you and you don't hate me. We just become... Acquaintances or Frenemies. Not friends not enemies just people that know each other. Deal?"
For a moment she seems shocked by my words but she soon recovers and sticks out her and and says, "Deal." We shake on it and she then says, "Now go and have a shower you stink of ocean water!" I chuckle slightly and she walks out of the room. Maybe Katherine isn't so bad after all. Yes I know one act of kindness can convert me to liking someone. Get over it ;)
I walk into my bathroom with my clothes and underwear. I strip and jump into the shower. My muscles relax after a long day surfing and I just stand there for a while getting used to the warm temperature. I shave my legs and arms then pick up my coconut and vanilla shower gel and lather it on and then go for my vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner. I jump off and dry myself and put on my outfit. (Image on side)
I step out of the bathroom and I see a box on my bed. I walk towards it and see that it seems to be a shoe box with a ribbon around it. I flipped over the label that was on it and it says, " Alex, I know you aren't too happy about moving to mystic falls and that you don't want o leave everything behind but it's only for a little while. Trust me when I say I'm not trying to but you're forgiveness but I got Katherine to pick these for you to go with your new outfit. We're leaving in 10 minutes <3 - Mason.
I opened up the box and saw an amazing pair of boots. I put on some thigh high socks and slipped them on and took one last look around my room. Before I went into the shower I packed up some of my books and photo frames, trophies for sports, dancing and other stuff and my jewellery etc. I picked up my bag and put the now empty box under my bed and cleared my stuff out of the bathroom. I put my beloved and soacking wet suit into my wardrobe because there is not need for washing it. I look around my room one last time and walked out the door and closed it.
As I walked downstairs I looked at every aspect of the house. The stupid and annoying squeak that the 3rd stair from the top makes and the dent in the wall from when Mason got angry because I filled his room full of balloons. Just then it really hit me how much i'm going to miss this place. As I got to the living room I saw Mason, I hadn't even relised I had let a stray tear drift from my eye until he came over brushed it away and gave me a hug "It's not forever Ally," He told me using his nickname for me from when he adopted me, "It's only until I find the moonstone for Kat and then we'll be outta there and we won't have to transform anymore." And then he says that and ruins the family bonding moment. "Yeah well if you're gonna break the apparent curse we'll be there for eternity." Then suddenly Horror came over me.
"OH MY GOD! WHAT ABOUT MY MOTOR BIKE! I'M DRIVING MY CAR!" I yelled at Mason. How could I not have thought about this?! "Alex It's fine I'm going to be taking your bike, Katherine is driving my car and you're driving your's, it's all going to be fine okay?" "Okay." I said.
We then looked at eachother and burst out laughing about the TFIOS Referance we just made. I wiped a tear that fell because of laughing to hard. Once we sobered up Mason said it was time to leave so he walked out with his and my bike helmet in his hands. I slowly walked out behind him, savouring every last moment I had before I got to the front door. I walked out and got my board and put him inside and whispered, "See ya soon buddy," and then I locked th front door. Walking towards my Black Ferrari. Oh by the way did I mention that when I was dropped of at the orphanage there were documents in my name leaving millions of dollars to me. The police tried tracing he bank accounts but they had no success and filed a report that when I turn 18 I will get all of that money. Yay i'm practically rich. Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice right now? Honestly I really don't care that much about being rich or that my biological family left me money when they weren't even there for me my whole life. I think it's almost like guilt money. Anyway...
I put my bag in the boot and got into the front seat and started the ignition. As I drove away I coudn't help but give one last glance towards the house I had been accepted into for the past 4 years and said, "Goodbye sunny Florida and my Happy home, Hello Mystic Falls."

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