Returning to Mystic Falls

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Alex P.O.V
A while had passed now and Mystic Falls had been hectic. Mine and Mason's friend Jules had come up from Florida and had ended up biting Rose so she died. The Salvatore's and co had daggered Elijah at a dinner party from hell.

Elena and Jeremy's uncle John returned who actually turned out to be Elena's dad. Shocker.
Tyler had found out about the rest of the vampire's in Mystic falls and about Mason. Originally when Tyler came up to me about it he was pissed that I knew and that I didn't tell him but then I told him that I just didn't want him to get hurt and that I didn't want too put more pressure on him since he was a new born wolf.

And then there was this whole drama-lama with Caroline getting tortured by the wolves that came along with Jules. Me and Tyler managed to get her out and then the rest of the supernatural scooby gang turned up almost got killed and then Elijah's witch turned up and saved the day. Tyler decided to leave Mystic Falls to be with Jules and the other wolves I decided it was probably best for me if I did too. Caroline has been keeping me updated.

I was sitting with Jules and Tyler around a camp fire when my phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D and saw that it was Damon. Damon and I were still not quite on speaking terms yet. Stefan had told me that he did not know that Damon had planned to kill Mason and honestly I believe him, Stefan is not one to lie to his friends.
I thought of rejecting the call but since he never calls me it must have been important so I reluctantly picked it up.

"Hello ass wipe, what can I do for you?" And oh course I had to say a snarky remark. "Hey Ally...' I cut him off, "You don't get to call me that anymore. Not after you killed him." I said referring to Mason. I heard him sigh and then he said, "It's Klaus. He has started to send indirect threats to us through compelled little puppets. We need you here Alex. Just for a couple of days. We need a werewolf on our side. Just come yourself. I know you don't want Tyler to be at risk of becoming the were-wolf in His messed up sacrifice." I sighed at him down the phone knowing he was right. Even though I pretend not to care much about them I really really do.

"Please Alex. Elena's life is in danger and everyone she cares about is in danger too." Looks like i'm going back to Mystic Falls, Virginia.

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