Welcome to Mystic Falls

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Alex P.O.V
As i drove past the Welcome to Mystic Falls I get a sick feeling to my stomach. I honestly didn't have friends back home other than some of the other surfers I would sometimes talk to at the beach but that didn't really count. It seemed to be because of the scar on my face and the fact that I was a care kid for a lot of my early years. I got bullied a lot too, I guess getting called names was the farthest it went because they knew I would flip my shit if one of them even laid on finger on me.

My palms are getting clammy even thinking about the idea of going to a new school where no one knew me. What would happen? Would they be better or worse than the last one? I turned my attention back to the road just in time to see Mason (On my bike) turn into a little car par for a place called, "The Mystic Grill," Oh how original!

I step out of my car and can already smell the scent of 3 Vampires, 1 Witch coming from inside the grill. I swiftly walk over to Mason. "Be sure to look out for the doppelganger Ally," He said to me. "Wait whoa whoa whoa. The dopple who now?" He never told me anything about this before! "To cut it short she looks exactly like Katherine but she's not Katherine, You got it?" I paused to think about it a second but decided just to ask questions later and said, "Yup I got it." I then asked Mason, "What is Katherine going to do?" "She is going to leave the car here and then I'll come back for it after we've been to ty's" he replied. "Ty who now?" I was now completely confused "He's your adopted cousin." I just nodded and followed him in a swift walk.

We walked away from the parking lot and opened the door to the mystic grill.All eyes turned to us as we walked through the door. Mmm I guess they don't get new comers often. As we walked up to the bar a few low whistles could be heard. Thanks for that supernatural hearing. Mason and I sat down on 2 bar stools and by now most eyes had been averted away but I could still feel a group of eyes burning into Mase and I's backs. I was about to look back and see who it was but the bartender came over and said, "Hey guys, I'm Matt and welcome to the Mystic Falls Grill what can I get you?"
"A Bourbon please mate," mate? really Mason? Matt then turned to make and I said, "Just a Lemon Iced Tea please." He nodded and left to get our orders and I could still feel stares on our backs and I'm pretty sure Mason felt them too as we both swivelled round on our bar stools at the same time.

I automatically connected eyes with a hot raven haired blue eyed guy sat at a table with 4 other people. I could sense that him and the brown haired boy and the perky looking blonde were vampires but the blonde seemed to be a new born. The brown haired girl was clearly a witch because of her powerful auroa. But the other girl,She was interesting because clearly she was the doppelganger that Mason was talking about. Gosh she looked like and identical twin to Katherine. Okay now that is creepy. I don't know if I can cope with two of them! Hopefully she turns out to be a tad bit nicer. Me and Mase smirked at them and just turned back around to face the bar.

Matt returned with our drinks and said, "So are you guys new around here? I have really seen you before?" "Yeah we just drove down here today visiting some relatives etc you know the drill." Said Mason. "Oh really Who is it i'll probably know who you're talking about. You know small town everyone knows everyone." Matt smiled kindly . He had blonde hair and cute baby blue eyes that looked so innocent. Bless him he's so helpless. I know that was mean.
'His names Tyler Lockwood. He's my nephew." "Ty? Really? He never really mentioned an uncle. Me and him are best friends. If you don't mind me asking what are you're names?" Aww he's so polite oh bless his soul in a town full of supernaturals he won't last long unless he's got friends in high places. You know what I mean like doppelganger or witchy.

"My name is Mason Lockwood and this Is Alex Taylor." Mason replied.
"So Alex, who are you to the great Lockwood Family?" Pfttt great Lockwood family. Bearing in mind i've only ever met Mason i've not met any of the others but from Mason they are bound to clumsy and loud... Right? "I'm actually Mason's adopted daughter. I've never actually met any of the other members of the Lockwood family. Yeah Mase why is that? So yeah I guess i'm kind of Tyler's cousin then," I replied. I pushed my fringe out of my eyes revealing my scar a little and Matt's face contorted a little but and then went to one of sympathy but he tried to hide it but he clearly didn't do it to well so i just said "If you're wondering I don't know how I got it. Apparently I've had it my whole life."
"Oh er, I-I' m s-sorry I didn't mean to.." I cut him off, " Don't worry about it. I get it all the time," I said while looking down.

I the went awkwardly silent but then Mason spoke up and saved the day, "So we better get going. You know meeting up with the family and all. How much do I owe ya?" "Oh it's OK. On the house for the newcomers of Mystic Falls." Mason gave him a quick nod and started walking outside I said a quick bye to Matt and walked out behind him. I stole a glance at the table full of supernaturals and saw that they were still staring at me along with the doppelganger. I gave them a little sassy wave and averted my eyes and walked out the door.

Damon's P.O.V
Me, Stefan, Witchy, Elena and perky blonde were all sitting around a table in the grill. Perky (Caroline) was yapping on and on about school and what ever else when the door to the grill opened.

All of the people in the grill including us supernaturals turned to see who it was. Cus you know small town people get nosy. Surprisingly it was somebody new. A guy entered the grill seemingly about mid-late 20's tanned skin brown hair had a strong build, like a typical ladies man. But then a girl walked in right behind him and boy was she good looking. Long tan legs, Straight posture, Golden brown hair and electrifying blue eyes. She was wearing a grey sweater, a white skirt, black thigh high socks which looked so good on her by the way, brown leather ankle boots and she had some sort of necklace on which I couldn't quite tell what it was. I took a quick glance over to the other guys on the table and saw they were watching them just as I was. I decided to listen into their conversation and it seemed that vampire barbie and Stefan had the same idea.

*After conversation*

So Lockwoods uncle and adopted cousing are in town huh. This could get interesting.

"Guys is it just me or did they have kind of a strange scent? Like it wasn't human but it wasn't vampire like either?" Stefan said."Of course I didn't notice I was too busy checking her out! I mean did you see those legs!" I exclaimed. Of course then Caroline had to and hit the back of my head with her new found vampire strenght that she still had to get under controle. "Agh! What was that for?" I asked the annoying perky blonde. "That was for being a pig! Honestly she could have a personality too you know!" Witchy scowled and got up from her place and left. Elena practically had to force her to come and talk to Caroline after her becoming a vampire. I guess she doesn't really like the idea of having another person she loves getting dragged into this crap. Oh well sucks for her.
"We need to find more out about the Lockwoods and that girl Alex." and with that we all left

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