Part Three

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Moonlight, iridescently beautiful as always, especially with the stars complimenting the vast night sky. Firewood piled in the middle, you get Sebastian to cheat slightly, making him use his powers to light the fire.

“Right, we’re staying here for the night, whether you like it or not, Mr Demon.” You sigh, sitting down on the floor, holding your hands to the fire. “What did you mean when you said ‘of course, my lady’? Are you admitting that you’re an idiot? No offense, but that’s kind of stupid.” You say under your breath, though you’re well aware that he can hear you.

Sebastian merely smiles at you, not answering your question, putting his hand to his temple. You want an answer, but he won’t supply you with one. Not that you can blame him.

Well… Technically you could blame him, but as he leans against a tree, not moving, looking in severe pain, it’s hard not to feel at least a shred of sympathy for him. 
Looking down, you look at the uniform Ciel gave you, as per your ‘favour.’ 

“You want a butler’s uniform?” Ciel looked at you, confused. “Why would you want that?”

“Because it’s easier to move around in something that doesn’t crush your ribs… like a corset does. The tailcoats have always fascinated me, as well.” You glimpsed at Sebastian’s uniform for a moment, grinning as you saw his tailcoat. “Is there a problem with something like that?”

“No, I don’t see anything wrong with that.” Ciel looked at you with judgemental eyes, though he did not voice his doubts.


Now for the real reason for the tailcoat. You grin, laughing at yourself slightly… for no apparent reason… 

You pull out a small glass vial, containing a red liquid; handing said vial to Sebastian. “Drink it.”

“I’m afraid My Lady, that I consume souls, not blood.” Sebastian remarks at the bottle, taking it from you, anyway.

“I’m human and a Demon…” You sigh. “Have you not heard the folk tales about this matter?” You take a moment, but Sebastian says nothing. “Fine, I’ll tell you the story, but you have to drink it afterwards.” Not laughing was hard as you compared Sebastian to a little child with a cold, refusing to take medicine.

“In a time where Demons battled for power, there was a man who fell in love with a human; they committed the ultimate taboo. Then, when their offspring were born, they were almost killed. It is said that the first children born from a demon and a human were twins, one with prominent Demon blood, and the other with Human blood.  
      Despite them having different outlooks on life, the two of them grew up together, not caring for the people who wanted them dead. When Shinigami learned of their existence, they killed the human child. On their deathbed, it made a contract with its twin. ‘Kill our enemies with our forbidden blood; save our comrades with the blood we wanted to protect.’” 

Sebastian drinks the contents of the vial, looking at you as he does so. 
“Now go to sleep, idiot butler.”  
“Good night, My Lady.” 

Sunlight blinds your eyes as morning returns. Stretching, your body stiffens, not wanting to move.

“Morning, Sebastian. C’mon, we have to set off.” I want to get back to my bed. 

Sebastian opens his eyes, looking like a model. His demeanour as always, though there being a minor quiff in his hair. I didn’t think Demons got bed hair.

Despite the momentary sleepiness in his eyes, he stands, looking at you, a smile on his face. “Good morning, My Lady.” 

You take your tailcoat off, making sure not to leave anything inside of it. “Take it. It’ll be a bit small, but it’s better than that.” You point at the dry blood on the tailcoat, as well as the many rips and tears.

“I can’t accept that from a lady.”
“Just put it on. You’re the Phantomhive butler. What would Ciel say if he saw you like that?” You smile, laughing. “Actually, he’d probably find it rather entertaining.”

Sebastian puts the tailcoat on, though it’s too small for him. “Thank you for your kindness, My Lady.” 

You smile, but like a wave, it’s overwhelms you. Damn… Your heart skips a beat as you clench your fists.

“We have to go.” You shake slightly, trying to stay composed. “We have to go now. Please…” 

The stench in the air, the temptation too great. Souls. You think to yourself. I can smell their souls. I can hear them and they’re screaming for help. 

Sebastian says nothing, but smiles, bowing. “Of course, My Lady.”

Though you ready yourself to run as fast as you can, Sebastian smiles, picking you up as though you don’t weigh anything. “Wa- What are you doing?” You complain, your body still shaking. 

Don’t show any weakness. 

“Returning the favour, My Lady.” 

Yeah, right. “I bet you just don’t want to owe me a favour.” You grin, complacent with his reaction. Sebastian says nothing in response, giving you the usual look, setting off. “We shall arrive back at noon.” 


“What happened to the two of you?” 

The gardener, chef and maid line up, sighing with relief at the return of the head butler. 
“Uhm… It’s a long story.” You try to make up that excuse, but fail as you fall short of something witty to say. 

Sebastian’s face is the same as usual, the same façade as always. But there is one thing different: his eyebrows twitching. 

With furniture on the staircase, you almost fall into hysterics when you see a goat running rampant around the house. 

“You’ve completed your set task?” You nod. “Very well. Now, as for the payment.” Ciel stares at you, waiting for you to ask for something. 

“Uhm…” You think of the things you want and need, not sure. I want to be safe. “Protection.” No one says a word, the footsteps of a goat all you could hear. “I want you to keep me safe.” 

“What from?” 


The staff look at you as though you’re crazy. Perhaps an introduction would be in order. 

“Hello, nice to make your acquaintance. I’m… Well, actually, it’s best you not know that. If you need to call me a name, call me M.”  

“M? Is that what you just said?” The maid says, sounding rather befuddled.

“Yes, M. It can stand for whatever you like. Matriarch, Melodramatic, Maya… anything and 

“What about your real name?” 

“My real name? I guess it’s lost. Only a few people still remember that name of mine, and I don’t intend letting anyone else know.” 

“Because… Well, it’s cursed.” You smile, holding your hands together.

“Explain.” Ciel orders, grabbing a seat. 
“Oh, but it’s a long story.” 
“Tell me.” 

“Very well, Little Phantomhive."

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