Part Four

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“Shall we eat first? I’ll tell you over dinner.” 


Dining in the Phantomhive is extravagant, the table longer than needed, the chandelier, as well as the décor being perfect. Sebastian bows “I apologize for the delay, Young Master.” He then goes on to saying what dinner is, and offers you a seat. The other servants smile at you, standing to the side of the table, waiting in case Ciel needs anything. Ciel coughs, giving you a impatient look.

“I’ll start, then.” 

“In the beginning, there was nothingness. No light, no darkness; no life, death. But when things began to exist, there needed to be balance. That’s how… what humans call ‘grim reapers’ came into existence. There was life, so there was death. Whether or not there is something after death is debated, but Shinigami also came into existence. To collect the cinematic records of the dead. 

Then, to balance out these Shinigami, Demons were created. Though it is debated whether or not they were made to balance out Angels or Shinigami, the origin of them is traced back to Lucifer; otherwise known at Satan. He had seven brethren, each tempting humans to one of the seven deadly sins.

Uhm, his older brother was summoned by a human. The human woman who summoned him was said to be radiant, her hair like silk, and her eyes as purple as the flower ‘Irises.’ “Oh Demon, will you grant me a wish?” She whispered to him, not scared. Her wish was for a child; she wanted the demon to bare her child. The Demon agreed to this wish, creating a contract with her, and she bore his children. Even when the contract was over, he didn’t eat her soul. Instead, he fell in love. 
    ‘Demons are void of love’ that’s what people believed at the time, and still believe to this day. But, the twins the woman bore showed they were wrong. People tend to not like being deceived.

Demons, humans and Shinigami all wanted the two of them dead. Those two child were half-Demon, half-Human. They were the embodiment of the impossible. Of the two, one inherited more of a Demon nature, the other having a Human nature. 

The human twin was the target for Shinigami, the person who’s cinematic record didn’t end. The Demon twin, on the other hand, was the target of hate from Humans and Demons, each of them cursing the Half-Demon’s name, trying to take its soul for their own, cursing each time they failed.

Eventually, they actually cursed the Half-Demon, making their name kill upon being heard. All of their hate was accumulated into a word, and that word gained the power to kill.
Though I’ll admit, something like that is quite farfetched, but those who know my name have seen misfortune, so I don’t say that anymore. After all, I was named after them.” 

You look across at Ciel, whom looks rather intrigued at your story. “Does that satisfy your curiosity, little Phantomhive?” 

Sebastian smirks, whilst the three servants look at you with confusion. 
“But how does that effect you, Ms M.?” 

“I’m that cursed Half-Demon’s daughter.” You whisper, smiling as you say the words. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to run an errand.” 

“Where are you going?” Ciel asks, and you smile, turning back to look at them.
“To see the person who killed my ancestor, of course.” 


“What brings you here?” A voice asks. “Looking for some humour like me?”

In front of you is a bundle of coffins, a skull on the side of one, but your expression doesn’t change, a frown planted on your face. “______, what’s the matter?” He whispers, saying your name clearly.

My name. You think. My curse. He’s saying it...
“Perhaps you want to make me forget? Forget that cursed name of yours, hm?” He chuckles, his laugh sinister as usual. “I’m afraid it’s far too funny. Or maybe it’s revenge you want?” 

You laugh slightly, sitting down on one of the coffins. “I don’t want something like that. I gave up on something like revenge a long time ago. Though, the fact you killed my aunt isn’t exactly something I enjoy thinking about.” 

I hate having to think of it. “I just came because I met those people you mentioned. I also finally remembered something.” 

“Hihihi, I see. Could you get off the coffin? I’d like to speak face to face.”

You stand, letting the person from inside the coffin out. With long silver hair and a humungous grin on their face, they pull up their fringe, revealing their chartreuse eyes, looking right at you. “How could you forget giving me this scar? Hihihihi, took you a while.”

“I must’ve blocked it from my memory. It’s hard remembering everything that happens, especially when there’s a lot to remember.” You walk to the door, opening it. “I just came to say that you were right about the Demon and the little Earl. Goodbye, Undertaker.” 

Sitting in your new room in the Phantomhive estate, you sit, hands on your lap, thinking of the things that had happened in the day. 

Don’t get involved. You think to yourself. 

“My Lady, the Young Master is sleeping, I’d suggest you get some rest as well.” 

Darkness envelops the room, the only light being the candle in Sebastian’s hand. “What’s the matter, My Lady?” 

You tap the space on the other side of the bed. 


Almost like an obedient dog, he sits, candle in hand. “Tell me, Demon, what is you like about the Little Earl?” 

No reply. 

You lean back, your back touching his, Sebastian being the only support for your weight. “Would you believe me if I told you I was scared? Scared of the unknown.” You lower your voice, hoping that he didn’t hear you; though it was certain that he did. “Would you pull me out of the darkness of my own heart, Mr Demon?” 

His face was out of sight, but you can tell he’s smiling. “What kind of Demon would I be if I didn’t save you?” 

“A weird one. If you were normal, you’d just let my soul be stained and eat it.” 
Sebastian almost laughs at your remark, leaning back slightly. “Of course, My Lady, a normal Demon would do that.” 
“I never said you were normal, though.” You retort, your eyes glowing, Demon blood rushing through your body.

“What would you do, My Lady? Would you try to save someone who would kill you?” 
“What would I do? That’s a se-cr-et.” You laugh at your own words, stopping yourself from laughing too much. “I said at the dinner table that the Demon felt love. Do you think it’s possible for a Demon to feel such an emotion?”

“I wonder, My Lady. But, what exactly is the human concept of love?”
You look up at the ceiling, breathing deeply. “I guess it’s wanting someone. Not their soul, but everything of theirs. Body, heart, the works.” You pause, standing. Looking at the Demon, you smile, turning his face to look at yours. 

With a flick of the hand, the candle goes out, darkness consuming everything in its path. Glowing fuchsia eyes were all that you could see, and those eyes’ focus is you.

“Do you feel that way about someone, Demon?”

You grin, not expecting a response. I win. You think to yourself, letting go of the Demon’s face, turning away.

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t, My Lady.” Were the words he whispered in your ear before he left. 

Stupid Demon.

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