Set Bar

606 4 3

Sorry this is not an imagine update but please continue to read as it is related to that. Recently i have been updating quite alot which is great and all but the fact that it gets 600 reads and 1 vote and zero comments bugs me. That is why i dont update beaucse i feel as tho no one likes my imagines and then i get hundreds of messgaes saying i need to update and its stupid how i take so long. So from now on to solve the problem there is going to be a set bar and if an imagine does not reach the bar set i will not upload. The bar will have a certain amount of votes and comments it must get within a time frame EG- 5 votes, 3 comments within 3 days

Comments from the same account are considered as one comment.

If an imagine does not reach the set bar and its been 1 week till the upload i will publish again but if 3 imagines in a row do NOT reach their set bar well then i will delete that book.

I know i will get lots of people saying its stupid and unfair but i find it unfair how i spend hours writting imagines and no one aprecaites them and then complains when there are no updates. And i know heaps will say 'you only want votes' well yes, i do acpect a few votes for all that hard work.  So sorry but not sorry.

If you have any questions leave them down below 

SET BAR-  For the next imagines  this part has to get:




Zayn ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now