Chapter 6

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Roman caught up with Alyse as she wandered up the stairs, taking in every detail of the house, completely unaware that the upir had followed her up the stairs until he said something, causing her to jump. "When I had this house built, I had our future in mind. I made sure that there were plenty of rooms not only to accommodate our perfect little family, but for any guests that may want to come and stay with us."

"No doubt the only guests that you would allow to come over are friends of yours, while I would be forced to play happy perfect housewife, to give the image that we truly are happy together. God knows that you would allow me to go and venture out on my own to make friends for myself," Alyse snapped at Roman.

Roman grabbed a hold of Alyse's arm, pushing her against the wall pinning her there. "You will learn your place. You will also learn to be happy with me in our marriage. We will have a baby together to continue the Godfrey bloodline. Allow me to make this quite clear while I'm on a roll, I'm getting quite tired of you fighting against me and this marriage. We have been arranged to get married. Sheeit. I've been nothing but excited to call you my wife. It's all that I've been wanting. If I had the option, we would have been married already raising a couple of kids, while we had another on the way. But things didn't work out the way I wanted them to. I completely understand that. Now it's your turn to understand that lesson; and learn to go with what life throws your way. Trust me because in the long haul it will be better for the both of us. Keep fighting against me, and it's guaranteed that you won't like the results of it. Now be a good bride and be excited that you are getting married to the love of your life."

"If only that were true! Thing is Roman, you know damn well that I don't hold anything form of love for you. The sooner you get that through your thick skull, the sooner you can let me go and move forward with your life, much like I can. The longer you keep me here with you, the more my hatred for you grows," Alyse said before Roman's lips crashed on hers. Alyse tried fighting the kiss at first, before suddenly changing her mind. Oh my god do I hate this bastard. But the things he could do to my body is a different story. I also haven't had sex in a long while. I'm beyond sexually frustrated right now. Had Roman not found me when he did, I would've gladly fucked both Miko and Micah. Oh well. I might as well put Roman to good least he will help me out with my sexual urges that I've been having for quite some time, Alyse thought before kissing Roman back with so much force. At first Roman was shocked before regaining control over the situation again. Roman broke away, kissing Alyse all the way down her jaw and neck making sure to suck and nip her neck, knowing damn well he was leaving his mark behind for others to see, that Alyse already belonged to someone.

Roman pulled away smirking at his bride, whom seemed to be glaring back at him in annoyance. Roman could tell by the look in her eye that she was sexually frustrated and decided to play with her a bit to see how long she could resist him. "Is there something bothering you my beautiful bride?"

Alyse growled at Roman while giving him the death stare. "Cut the shit Roman. I know that you are more than aware that I haven't been with another man since the last time you and I fucked. So pardon me if I am a bit sexually frustrated at the moment. Not all of us go running to the one person who looks good enough to fuck for one night. But if you didn't feel that you are not man enough to give me what I want right now, I can find someone else who can give it to me."

Roman growled before ripping Alyse's clothes off her body while his lips found her, muffling the moans that were trying to escape from her mouth, as Roman moved his hand downward, slipping a finger in and out teasing Alyse only to have her growl in his mouth. Roman pulled away from Alyse giving her a stern look. "Patients my beautiful blushing bride. Give yourself a little time to adjust to me; or did you forget that it has been quite some time, since you last had a man? Why don't you enjoy the attention that I'm going to give your body. Then when I feel that you're ready, I'll give you everything that your body is craving. But for now I'm asking that you allow me the chance to pleasure you in the only way that only I can pleasure you my darling little wife." Roman attacked Alyse's neck with kisses causing her to moan out in pleasure.

His captive bride (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 2Where stories live. Discover now