Chapter 10

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Peter was in the garage working on one of the cars that he had started to help Mr. Ricky repair, when his phone started ringing, scaring him. Jeez what a way to almost knock a guy out, Peter thought as he made his way to his ringing phone. "Hello?"

"Peter! Oh my god, Peter. Please tell me that Alyse has not stopped by to see you," Destiny rushed to say.

"Des, what are you talking about? I told you Roman wouldn't let her leave his sight. What makes you think she would stop by the shop," Peter started to say before hearing the bells on the door ring. "Destiny I'm gonna have to call you back. I have a customer at the front desk." Peter hung up the phone, placing it in his back pocket as he made his way to the front. Peter glanced behind the desk and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Hello Peter. Do you think you can spare five minutes to talk with me," Alyse asked.

"Ye-yeah. What brings you here? Not that I'm not happy to see you, it's just that the last time I saw you, Roman wouldn't even let you leave his side," Peter explained quickly.

Alyse looked down at the ground. "I know. I want to apologize for well as the way that Roman had treated you. It wasn't right."

"You shouldn't have to be the one apologizing for roman's actions. If anyone should be apologizing to me, it should be Roman himself," Peter said causing Alyse to look up at him.

"I know this. But you and I both know that roman won't go out of his way to apologize to you. Especially if he feels that you are the one who did him wrong," Alyse replied.

"I know all too well. I also know that's not the reason as to why you are here now. There is something else on your mind that is bothering you. Do you want to talk about it," Peter asked.

Alyse closed the shop door, flipping the sign to close, locking the door before turning to Peter. "There is no body else in the shop with us, is there?"

"No. Ashley quit the day after I started working here. Mr. Ricky had a family emergency he had to take care of. So that leaves me by myself to run the business. But Mr. Ricky did say he would pay me well if I did him this favor, and helped him out a bit," Peter said before noticing the look on Alyse's face. "Talk to me. I can tell something is seriously bothering you right now."

"Did you know that Roman has Letha's baby locked in a secret room at his house," Alyse asked while looking Peter in the eye.

"That's not possible Alyse. Letha and her baby died during childbirth," Peter said.

"That's what Roman wants you to think! Letha's baby is very much alive. He keeps the baby locked away in a secret room. I've seen the maid feeding the baby with my own eyes. That's not all. Are you aware that Roman is the father of Letha's baby," Alyse asked.

"That is insane. Why would Roman sleep with his own cousin," Peter asked.

"I don't know! What I do know is that poor baby is as much a prisoner in that house as I am. I need to find a way to free both of us from Roman. That poor innocent child deserves a loving mother who will love her. Shoot she deserves a better father who will help give her everything she could ever want and more," Alyse said.

"How do you plan on getting that baby out of the house? I doubt that Roman would let you walk out of that house with that child. Roman has made it clear to everyone that you are going through with that arranged marriage," Peter explained.

Alyse huffed. "Peter, I can't go through with this marriage. He kept a huge secret from me. I don't understand why he couldn't come clean about that baby. Though knowing how that baby was conceived, and knowing who both of her parents are; I don't know if I can go through with it. I have to find a way to get the baby and get out of there. I have to make a run for it."

His captive bride (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 2Where stories live. Discover now