Chapter 19

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Alyse woke a few hours later looking up at Peter noticing how peaceful he looked while he slept. I wish I could keep the look of peace on your face forever. Unfortunately, that is not the case. There are too many bad things in the world that will rob you of any peace that you may have. If only there was a way to make all the bad things go away. But even I can't make that happen. The only bad thing I know that bothers you, that I can make go away is Roman. The only way I can do that is by going back to him and giving him everything that he wants. I know you won't agree with it, but something has to be done to protect you and Lynda from Roman's hand, Alyse thought before she slowly attempted to remove Peter's arm from her. Just as Alyse thought she had succeeded in removing Peter's arm, Peter wrapped his arm around her tightly again. "You're awake."

"That I am. I've been awake the whole time soaking up every bit of attention that I could," Peter said before noticing the troubled look on Alyse's face. "Mind telling me what it is that is bothering you right now?"

"I'm just worried about you and your wellbeing. We both know that Roman won't let either of us be at peace until he found me and brings me back to where he feels I belong," Alyse said.

"I won't let you go back to him. That is out of the question. If you go back to Roman, he will only cause you so much misery. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that were to happen. Just let e be the one to worry about getting Lynda out of jail; and sneaking you out of Hemlock Grove, away from Roman," Peter said.

"Peter, both you and I know that Roman will stop at nothing until he gets me back. I can't ask you to put yourself in danger for me. We both know you would be in danger with how possessive Roman is. I won't stand by and watch as Roman beats you within an inch of your life. Maybe if I go back to him, he won't lay a finger on you," Alyse said causing Peter to growl at the idea.

"If you go back to Roman, then he will gladly hurt you for running away from him. He won't stop there. He will strip you of what little freedom you do have. Do you want that," Peter asked.

"What choice do I have in the matter, Peter? If I don't go back, he takes my freedom away as well as kill you. I won't risk Roman ending your life all, because you refuse to let me save you. Oh, and let's not forget it would save a whole lot of drama with your cousin Destiny, who would gladly find reason to attack me. Hell, she might go and tell Lynda that I'm the one responsible for your death if Roman were to kill you. It would only be one big hunt. Destiny would gladly start the 'let's go hunt down Alyse and kill her' party," Alyse said.

"Nobody will lay a finger on you. I will keep you safe, if you will allow me to do so," Peter said.

"But what about the baby that grows within me? Aren't you afraid that Roman will search high and low until he found me and his unborn child," Alyse asked while starting to get up.

Peter gently pushed back down on the bed, hovering over her. "Don't worry about Roman. I highly doubt that he is doing any worrying about you. Who knows, maybe Roman is taking advantage of this time away from you and is screwing another broad behind your back right now as we speak."

"Honestly, I wouldn't doubt it. Roman is always infamous for going back on his word. I don't know why I would begin to trust his word now," Alyse said before staring into Peter's beautiful blue eyes, seeing the hidden mischief that was dancing around in them. "Mr. Rumancek, what on earth are you planning?"

Peter couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Well, Ms. Stormnight you always were able to tell when I was up to no good. What if I told you that I were to make passionate, animalistic love to you right now?"

"But Peter, what about the baby that is growing inside of me," Alyse asked concern lacing her tone.

"Alright, would you be alright if I made passionate love to you at least? It might help you out later on when you're ready to welcome your little bundle of joy into the world. And my offer still stands. you and I could run far away together, and we could raise this baby together like a small happy family. Doesn't that sound like an extremely good idea," Peter asked before placing a gentle kiss along Alyse's neck.

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