Chapter 17

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Peter stood there staring at Roman thinking about the options that he had. He didn't want to do anything to betray Alyse in anyway. But he was also really desperate to bail his mother out of jail. Peter had thought about what Lynda would have wanted him to do. Peter knew that deep down; Lynda would want Peter to do everything he could to save Alyse from the current situation that she was in. "As tempting as it is for me to take the money and run to go and bail Lynda out of jail, I find it highly impossible for me to do. If I were to go and do something like that, Lynda would be very disappointed knowing that I did something to betray Alyse like that. So, I'm going to have to decline your offer. Besides I feel more honest by working hard to earn the money. I also feel that it would make Lynda even more proud to know that I did the hard work to earn the money. Should I tell her that I had gone and made a deal with you, that would greatly impact Alyse's future, Lynda would be disappointed in me. Hell, I would be haunted by nightmares at all the torture that you would be putting Alyse through, should I leave her here to fend for herself against you."

Roman scowled at hearing this. "You are a fool for turning down the money I'm offering you to help bail Lynda out. Or is it not enough? Because I can give you something more.

"What the hell are you going on about, Roman? I already told you that I'm not interested in getting the bail money from you. Quite trying to convince me to take the money," Peter snapped at Roman starting to get annoyed with him.

Roman ignore Peter continued to try and convince Peter to leave Hemlock Grove for good. "Not only will I give you enough money to bail Lynda out of Jail, I'll give you enough so you and Lynda can find yourselves a nice home to live in. That way you can stay in one place and find yourself a nice girl who wants to be with you. Then you guys can get married and have a family of your own. You can forget all about Alyse. What do you say Peter? Doesn't that offer sound tempting? Best part of that offer is, you won't have to pay a cent of it back. Like I had said before, all you have to do is forget about Alyse and leave Hemlock Grove for good."

Peter shook his head at Roman. "I can clearly see that you won't listen when I said that I'm not interested. This conversation is done now Roman. Please leave my property. I'm looking to just get some rest and get up again so I can go to work. Have a good evening Roman." Peter turned and began walking down the stairs away from Roman. This only infuriated Roman more.

"We are not done talking. You of all people should know that I will always get what I want! I want you to leave Hemlock Grove and forget about Alyse! Why can't you accept that your time with Alyse is over? You had your fun with her. Now it's time for you to move on. Find someone who can give you everything that you could possibly want. Because if you continue to wait for Alyse to leave me, it will never happen. That was part of the contract. She is to be my wife and mother of my children until death do us part," Roman said following Peter down the steps until they got to the bottom. "You forming a relationship with Alyse should have never happened. If you had kept your dick in your pants and out of my bride, we wouldn't be in this situation right now."
Peter turned glaring at Roman. "And if you had better control over your jealousy and possessive issues, Alyse would have never ran away from you in the first place. So, stop trying to make me look like the bad guy here Roman. Because it's you who chased Alyse away in the first place. I was only there for her to comfort her, during her time in need. It's not my fault that something blossomed between Alyse and myself. I don't have any regrets being with Alyse either. I treasure every single moment I had with her. Once I get the money to bail Lynda out of jail, I'll find Alyse and I'll bring her with me. I'll make sure you never find her and drag her back to a life of misery with you."

"You son of a bitch," Roman growled out before tackling Peter to the ground, beating him. Peter managed to get a few shots in only infuriating Roman more, causing him to punch Peter repeatedly in the guts. Roman stopped as he saw Peter beginning to spit up blood. "I hope you learned a lesson just now. Because next time you speak with such disrespect, I will kill you. I will make sure nobody finds your all." Roman stood up brushing himself off before turning on his heel making his way up the stairs to his car. Peter watched as Roman climbed in and pulled away.

Peter laid his head back on the ground sniffing the air. "It's safe for you to come out. Roman is gone."

Alyse stepped out of the woods rushing over to Peter, kneeling down behind him. Alyse gently picked Peter's head up moving closer a bit before placing his head in her lap. "Oh Peter, why did you have to say that to him? You know Roman is quick to fly into a jealous rage."

"Not my fault that he can't own up to his own mistakes. Also, he is very insecure if he is that quick to fly into a jealous rage. I think he is beginning to see that I'm man enough tp take care of you. I may not be rich in the sense of money, but I sure as hell can make up for that in many different ways," Peter said.

"Peter, now is not the time to be inappropriate. When you are feeling more up to it, then we can do something together. Do you think you can manage to get yourself up off the ground, and make your way into the trailer," Ayse asked.

"I'll be fine. I just need to sleep it off and allow my body the chance to heal," Peter said while getting up off the ground, pulling Alyse up with him.

"I think it's going to take more than a day for you to heal. Roman gave you one hell of a beating. This will take at least a few days. Maybe I should head back to Roman. If I do, then it will keep you from putting yourself in danger for me," Alyse said.

"Even if you did that, Roman would still come after me until I left Hemlock Grove for good. Don't give into his little tantrum, because I sure as hell am not going to," Peter said while leading Alyse into the trailer.

Dr. Pryce was walking down to the basement to retrieve one of his experiments that he had been working on for a bit. Pryce had entered the basement spotting an open door that he had never noticed before. With curiosity getting the best of him, Dr. Pryce made his way to the door, spotting Olivia standing in the room, talking to someone who was in the room with her, which she kept blocking from his view. Who the hell is Olivia talking to? Even better question how the hell did she managed to get down here, without Roman knowing about this? Does Roman know about this, Dr. Pryce thought to himself before listening in.

"Go away you filthy whore. You got your wish. You got everything you want. Why can't you leave me in peace now," The person asked.

"Now darling, you think I got everything I want, but the truth is I don't. My son moved out of my house. His lovely wife to be has been brought back, yet I didn't receive any word on their wedding plans. I don't even know if I will be a grandmother or not. I think I deserve to know that. I would love to be involved in my grandchild's life," Olivia ranted.

"You still have your daughter, Shelley. She can give you grandchildren to spoil," the being said.

"But they won't be like us. I want to be part of my son's child's life," Olivia screeched.

"You can't always get everything you want. Alyse gave the family company to you. Tell your son to call off the marriage and let Alyse go! It's the least I can do for her now, since I was such a coward to put an end to it before myself," the being said.

"The arrangement remains. Roman will marry Alyse. They will conceive a family together. And I will be part of their children's lives. Everything will work out the way it was supposed to before that gypsy boy entered the picture. That is the only thing that stands between Roman and Alyse from taking that final step. Hopefully Roman is dealing with that, because I have my hands full with you. Though I'll make a deal with you. Tell me where you daughter would run to hide to get away from the stresses of the world. You know her secret place that only very few would know about. Tell me where it is, so I can find her, bring her back to Roman; so that way I can get back in his good graces. I will also let you go in a different state, with a different identity and a place for you to call home that would be stocked for you. Hell, I would give you enough money to get through the first month until you got a job to support yourself. All you have to do is talk," Olivia said stepping out of the way, revealing who she was talking to.

"Oh my god. How can this be? There is no way this is real. This is just a sick joke that is being played," Dr. Pryce quietly said to himself. 

His captive bride (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 2Where stories live. Discover now