Everyone describes tears in a romantic way
"Tears streaked her face as he watched"
But I hate tears
They aren't romantic
I hate when tears run down my face
Cause then they run down his
I dont want to be the cause of tears
It just causes more
You're upset that I'm upset
I'm upset that you're upset
You're upset that I'm upset
I'm upset cause I'm too emotional
Tears are not romantic
They're sad
Painful to watch tears stream
From red eyes
Mixing with whimpers and sobs
To look through the cloud
Of tears welled up in eyes
And see
the hurt
The sadness
The sorrow
The pain
The pain that I cause
That causes me more pain
That continues the cycle
Of "I hate seeing you cry
Then I cry
Because I hate seeing you in pain
Please don't cry"
So yes
I hate tears
I hate crying
I hate that to feel better
I need a good cry
That I need to let it flow out
So I choose to cry alone
Where my tears can't cause you pain