chapter xiv.

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chapter fourteen –
a monster and a stranger.

     Sage lets out a shaky sigh as she stares down at the floor, thinking of what had just happend

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     Sage lets out a shaky sigh as she stares down at the floor, thinking of what had just happend. Chris had returned just a few moments ago, not saying exactly why he had came back without Mike, and sat with Ashley on the couch talking quietly.

" Hey, " Sam grasps Sage's shoulder and smiles apologetically when she sees and feels the brunette jump out of surprise. " Sorry, S. "

" It's okay. " Sage shrugs as she turns around to face Sam, refraining from rolling her eyes as she sees the pity in Sam's eyes. " I'm okay, Sammy. I promise. This– " She gestures to the black-eye she sported, " Is the only thing injury I have from an actual person. Everything else? Stupid shit and Mike deciding to shoot the lock off of where explosive barrels were. "

Sam frowns at that, " You're gonna be okay now, Sage. I don't know what you guys ran into, but it's okay now. "

" Yeah, " Sage says quietly as she winces, the pain in her shoulder returning. " I hope so. "

Their talk is suddenly cut to a end as a loud banging made Sage jump out of surprise once again as she and Sam both turned to look and saw Emily knocking on the front door with a terrified expression on her face.

" Let me in! Let me in! " Emily cried out, her voice showing how scared she truly was.

Sage's eyes widened in shock at Emily's appearance, taking note of the blood coating her jacket.

" It's Em! " Sage calls out as she rushes over to the front door and quickly opens it to let Emily in, who basically falls inside out of sheer terror and starts crawling away immediately.

" Shut the door! Oh my god– Shut the door! " Emily cries out as Sam, Ashley, and Chris all crowd around the girl. Sage quickly slams the door shut, locking it for good measure. She had no idea what the hell was out there now.

Emily crawls away from the door, kicking like she was trying to fend off something or someone. The others then help Emily up quickly before heading into the Great Room with Sage right behind them. " Oh god. . I thought I wasn't going to make it. " Emily mutters, her voice cracking as she walks inside the Great Room inbetween Ashley and Sam.

" You were screaming bloody murder! " Chris calls out as Ashley and Sam ask Emily repeated questions out of concern. They all had no idea what had happend to the girl and Matt.

Emily sits on the sofa inbetween Sage and Sam, Sage gripping the raven haired girl's hand tightly as she stares at her in concern, as Ashley and Chris look at her with concerned eyes while standing infront of them.

" What happend, Em? " Sage asks the girl as she squeezes Emily's hand to comfort her.

Emily still seemed to be shook with fear as she glanced at Sage for a split second before turning back as she stared to speak, " There was a monster. " All Emily got in response was confused looks as they all processed what she had said.

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