chapter xviii.

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chapter eighteen —
a lucky few.

Mike and Sage ran out of the room quickly with the wendigo at their heels

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Mike and Sage ran out of the room quickly with the wendigo at their heels. They pause for a moment as two paths were infront of them.

" Jesus! Fuck fuck! " Mike cries out as he quickly decides to go left, his hand tugging Sage along with him.

" Holy shit, holy shit! " Sage mutters repeatedly as her and Mike quickly run through a doorway on their left and she closes the door behind them, making sure to lock it behind her.

" Okay. . uh! " Mike cries out suddenly making Sage turn and notice the light on Mike's torch die, making the girl huff in annoyance.

" Come on, Mike! " Sage hisses as she suddenly takes lead, the brunette suddenly starting to  barricade the door as she pushes the file cabinet infront of it with Mike helping her quickly.

The two quietly go near a gap in the door, after finishing barricading the door with the nearby filing cabinet, and the wendigo jumps at them from behind the door making Sage let out a yelp of shock.

" Fuck! " Sage cries out as she shoots at the wendigo quickly and successfuly hits it as the wendigo flies back from the blast. She knew that she didn't kill the thing, but it got hurt and that was better than nothing.

She tugs Mike along behind her, Sage notices Wolfie join them out of nowhere and doesn't say anything as her and Mike run ahead to another door that Mike quickly closes behind them.

" Good dog. . Shh. . It's okay, it's fine. " Mike comforts the wolf as he and Sage both look around, hoping that the wendigo had stopped chasing them for now. A noise is suddenly heard making Mike look around wildly, " The hell was that? "

" I don't know, " Sage whispers with a shrug.

Mike and Sage slowly duck behind a counter after spotting the wendigo a few feet away on a table, it noticing the duo move making them freeze suddenly as they remembered the stranger's words.

They can't see you if you don't move.

So, Sage and Mike both hitched their breath and gripped each other's hands tightly and dared to not make any movements as they waited for the wendigo to give up it's chase, but a bottle that suddenly started rolling off the table may be the only thing that stopped them for surviving.

Sage's breath hitches as she suddenly catches the bottle that had been only inches away from crashing onto the floor before a sigh of relief escapes her. Her eyes lock onto Mike, relief also clear in his eyes, as she slowly gestures to the nearest room and Mike quickly nods back.

The two plus Wolfie run as fast as they can towards the next room, Mike and Sage both gripping their guns tightly as they looked around wildly for the wendigo.

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