Ashton imagine part 1

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~A/N: if none of you have noticed... This is May or May not be a purple themed imagine book because, why not?:) even though this picture Ashton isn't really that purplish, but HE LOOKS SO FREAKING CUTE IN PURPLE😍💜~

"Hey you want to go to the beach today? Since tomorrow I'll be leaving for an interview and we won't be able to see each other for a while, plus tour is coming soon. I just want to spend my last day with you." Ashton said kissing you on the cheek.

You were quite insecure about your body but you agreed since you won't be able to see Ashton for a few weeks.

Ashton knew about your insecurities, but you always told him you were able to control them. Even though it wasn't true.

"Sure. What time do you want to go?" You asked a little nervous. You hoped he said later at night because you really didn't want to show off your body.

"Now!" Ashton yelled excitedly. "Now... It's only 11 in the morning." You said looking at the clock from behind you.

"Exactly! We can spend the whole day out on the beach! We can get some ice cream from your favorite ice cream shop! And then-" you cut him off.


"I don't want to get a sun burn though." You made an excuse.

"Sunblock babe!" He laughed grabbing your arms. "But... wouldn't you like to just cuddle all day?" You suggested.

"but babe! please? I know you love beach sand. You always build castle and it's so cute how you always have to add details to them." He smiled pressing his hand to your cheeks and kissed you lightly on the lips.

"Fine." You gave in. "I do love making sand castles." You giggled.





You two arrived to the beach.

You immediately went over to an open spot and started building a sand castle. Ashton just admired you, he loved your childish moments.

Ashton walked over to you and started helping you out, when you suddenly came up with an idea.

"Ohhhhh I have an ideaaaaaa!!" You giggled jumping up and down.

"What's that?" He asked. "I'll build a castle and you build one and we'll see who's best!" You smiled. "Well we both know that you'll win. You're a pro a building sand castles." He said.

"C'mon know mine might fall down and I'll have to start over and we have only 2 minutes." "I didn't know we were timed! I'm in!" He loved competing with you.




"You did a great job Ash! I taught you well." You smirked. "Yours looks better though." He complimented as you shook your head no.

"Hey you wanna go swim now?" Ashton asked smiling. "No I'm good. I need to practice building sand castles because you're starting to get better and I shall win on the next competition!!" You stated causing him to groan. You weren't really sure if it was another excuse not to go in the water in a bikini.

"But, since I won... You'll have to come with me and swim." He smirked.

You looked around and saw a whole bunch of girls in their bikinis, some were even playing volleyball.

'You'll never look like that.' You told yourself. 'Ashton is too good for you. He probably just felt bad for you and asked you out.' You kept telling yourself these horrible things.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked you. "I'm fine." You fake smiled looking down. "you go on I'll be there in a minute." You fake smiled at him again. He nodded and left.

You felt like you were about to cry.

You then saw some girls walk up to Ashton. You weren't really worried. 'They're just some fans.' You said.

"Is that your girlfriend over there?" You heard a girl ask you pretended like you couldn't hear a thing. "Yeah!" Ashton answered cheerfully.

"Eww." You heard one of the girls say. "But why? Her? Really? You could do so much better! I mean look at me! I'm such a beach babe!" Another girl said. "She's ugly." Said another one.

You were just waiting for Ashton to defend you so you can walk over to them and hug him.

But he didn't.

He just stood there.

Doing nothing.

You looked up to them. All the girls giving you disgusting looks, while Ashton was just smiling over to you.

That hurt.

You started to get the only few things you brought and left the beach.

Ashton didn't seem to realize you left.

This is a really sucky imagine. Sorry🌚

Part 2?

Yes, no, maybe?


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