Chapter Two

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Hagrid leads the class to see and study a hippogriff named Buckbeak. You're fascinated by the creature.

—Who wants to come say hello? —Hagrid asks. The whole class take a step back. Everybody but Harry—. Excellent, Harry. We have a volunteer. Come over here.

Harry turns around and notices what just happened. Ron gives him a little push. Harry has no choice, so he walks towards Buckbeak.

Under Hagrid's direction, Harry bows to Buckbeak but accidentally steps on a branch.

—Don't move, Harry! —Hagrid shouts. Buckbeak hesitates, but finally bows back—. Well done, Harry.

Hagrid tells Harry how to pat Buckbeak's beak. Malfoy pushes some boys and stands next to you, making an annoying crunch. You look at him and notice that he is eating a green apple.

—Stop doing that! —You whisper annoyed.

—Stop doing what? —He mutters with his mouth full and gives another bite to his apple.

You roll your eyes and shake your head, but you're actually trying your best not to smile. He looks so cute eating that apple.

—I think he will allow you to ride him —Hagrid tells Harry.

—No! Wait! —Harry exclaims, but Hagrid boosts him onto Buckbeak's back.

Buckbeak starts running and takes him for a short flight...

When Buckbeak lands, you run to hug Harry. You're very proud of his achievement.

—That was awesome, Harry!

—Thanks (Y/N) —he smiles.

—This is very easy —Malfoy drawls, loud enough for Harry and you to hear him—. I knew it must have been if Potter could do it. I bet you're not dangerous at all, are you? —He says as he walks towards Buckbeak—. Are you, you ugly great brute?

—Malfoy, no! —Hagrid yells, but it's too late. Buckbeak has been offended by Malfoy's insults.

Hagrid had said that approaching a hippogriff without caution and insulting it was an extremely dangerous thing to do. Buckbeak attacks Malfoy, injuring his right arm. Malfoy lets out a high pitched scream, and next moment, Hagrid is wrestling Buckbeak.

Malfoy is laying curled on the lawn.

—I'm dying! —He yells as the whole class panic—. I'm dying, look at me! It's killed me! It's killed me!

—You're not dying. It was just a scratch —Hagrid affirms.

You're looking at the scene terrified.

—He needs to be taken to the hospital wing, Hagrid —you add.

—Of course, I'm the teacher and I'm gonna take him there right now —Hagrid replies as he lifts up Malfoy easily.

—You're gonna regret this! You and your bloody chicken! —Malfoy drawls as Hagrid takes him to the hospital.

A single tear starts rolling down your cheek.

"Why am I concerned about him?", you say to yourself as you wipe your tear away.

—Do you think he'll be alright? —You ask Harry.

—Of course he will. Madam Pomfrey can mend cuts in about a second —he answers.

—I'm gonna see if he is ok.

You run to the hospital. Malfoy is laying on a bed with his arm wrapped in a bandage. You get closer to him shyly.

—What are you doing here, (Y/L/N)? —He asks.

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