Final Chapter

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—But how? —You ask still in disbelief.

—Well, not always —Fred answers—. We found it out about four years ago, when you were wearing that beautiful green dress. But we didn't know who your boyfriend was. Right, Georgie?

—Right, Fredie —George replies—. Not until one year later, in the Yule Ball. Harry and Ron were so busy staring at Cho and Hermione that didn't notice that Malfoy had asked you to dance.

—But we did. We saw everything. The way that you and Malfoy looked at each other on the dance floor was so cute.

—Then we knew it. You and Malfoy were sweethearts secretly.

—By the way, thanks for the kisses.

—Fred! —George elbows him.

—Don't worry, guys. Draco knows about the kisses —you reply.

—Wait... Did you kiss my brothers? —Ron asks in utter shock.

—Uhm... Long story —you answer.

—Is it a hickey what you have on your neck, (Y/N)? —Fred asks.

—Wait! Malfoy has one too! You two were having fun, weren't you? You naughty guys? —George asks teasingly.

Draco and you blush so hard and everybody giggles.

—Thank you both for keeping our secret —Draco tells Fred and George.

—Mischief managed —they say at unison and make a fist bump.

Pansy arrives to the prom alone, wearing a beautiful sequin dress. Draco and you are about going to talk to her, but Theodore approaches her and kisses her hand, making her blush. She links her arm with Theo's, and notices that Draco and you are watching. She just smiles and nods, and Draco and you smile back at her.

—I'll be right back —Draco states.

—What? Where are you going? —You ask.

—I'll be right back, I promise —he kisses your hand and goes.

—Where did Malfoy go? —Ron asks.

—I don't know. I...

You can't finish the sentence because you notice that certain song started playing. Tears start filling your eyes. It's a sad song, but it means so much for Draco and you because it talks about a secret love.

You turn around and see Draco standing in the middle of the dance floor with tears in his beautiful grey eyes. He bows his hand to you and you walk towards him, and take it without hesitating. Nobody is dancing. Everybody is rendered speechless by what they're seeing: the Prince of Slytherin has a girlfriend and she is a Gryffindor.

You lay your hands on your prince's shoulders as he places his hands on your waist. Draco and you start dancing slowly as the music goes:

«Why can't you hold me in the street?

Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?

I wish that it could be like that

Why can't it be like that?

'Cause I'm yours

Why can't I say that I'm in love?

I wanna shout it from the rooftop

I wish that it could be like that

Why can't we be like that?

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