Chapter Five

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—What's that? —Draco asks curiously.

—It's a music player. Mum and dad gave it to me on my birthday —you answer and he raises an eyebrow.

—And exactly what does it do? —He asks, and that question makes you smile.

—It plays music, Dray —you plant a peck on his lips—. Look. I'm gonna show you.

You turn it on and a soft romantic song starts playing. Draco smiles to hear that song. He takes a strawberry and feeds you. You eat a half and he eats the other half, and plants a peck on your lips. You smile and can't help but look at him with heart eyes.

Draco notices that the song lyrics say: "Can I have this dance?", so he bows his hand to you and asks:

—Can I have this dance?

A beautiful smile lights your face up and you take his hand. He helps you stand up and places his right hand on your waist. You place your left hand on his right shoulder. The other two hands are clasped together near his chest. Draco and you start dancing so close together as the music goes:

«It's like catching lightning

The chances of finding someone like you

It's one in a million

The chances to feeling the way we do

And with every step together

We just keep on getting better

So can I have this dance?

Can I have this dance?

Can I have this dance?»

When the song ends, Draco kisses your hand, making you melt in love for him. Who would have thought that behind that bad boy mask, a tender and affectionate boy was hidden?

After lunch, Draco and you are sitting at the lake shore with your feet soaking in the water. His arm is snaked around your waist and your head is resting on his shoulder.



—I know we're only 13, but... I... I think I love you —you tell him sweetly but blushing so hard. His cheeks flush as a beautiful smile blooms across his face. He lifts your chin up to him gently with his thumb and index.

—I think I love you too —he says looking deeply into your eyes and gives you an eskimo kiss, that turns into a delicious french kiss.

Your charming prince helps you stand up to take a walk, hands entwined, barefoot on the lawn, and suddenly, you see a beautiful rare flower under a tree.

—I didn't know that these flowers grew up here —you say in surprise as you pick it up carefully.

—Is that a flower? —Draco asks curiously.

—It's a dandelion. They're so hard to find in the muggle world. Legend has it that, if you can blow all the seeds off a dandelion with a single breath, a wish will be granted to you.

Draco has been listening to you mindfully with a big smile on his face.

—Would you like us to try together? —You ask.

—I'd do anything for you, princess —he tells you sweetly as he tucks your hair behind your ear. You blush and smile.

—Think about your wish, sweetie.

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