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Scorpius was born in Paris. He is a charming prince, white like the snow and blond like the sun. He has inherited Draco's beautiful grey eyes, and so much of his personality as well.

Draco has always been a loving husband and father. He has changed a lot since his school days. He wears eyeglasses now. His luscious platinum blond locks became darker through the years. He let his hair and facial hair grow. He has an exquisite tanned-looking skin now. He looks sexier and healthier than ever.

—Are you nervous, sweetie? —You ask Scorpius.

—Just a bit, mum —he answers. You caress his cheek tenderly. He smiles.

—Together —Draco says and you three cross Platform 9 3/4 at the same time.

The place is full of wizards and witches of all ages.

—Wow! It's much more beautiful than I imagined! —Scorpius says amazed.

Draco and you look at each other and smile.

—And wait until you get to Hogwarts, sweetie. You're gonna love it! —You add and a big smile blooms across his face.

—I can't believe that I've lived in a different country every single year of my life —Scorpius states.

—But you made many friends, learned about other cultures, and learned to speak other languages —Draco replies. Scorpius smiles.

—I'm gonna miss you, mum and dad.

—We're gonna miss you too, Scorp —Draco hugs him.

—Oh, wait! Let me take a last picture of my two loves before Scorp goes —you take a muggle digital camera out of your handbag and take a picture.

—Bye mum. See you on Christmas.

—Take good care of yourself, sweetie —you hug Scorpius and kiss his cheek—. Wait! I almost forget it! —You take an "Every Flavour Beans" box out of your handbag and give it to him—. Sweets, they always help you make friends —you wink. He smiles.

—Your sweets have always helped me make friends. Thanks mummy —he kisses your cheek. You smile.

—Dad, I remember that you told me a story about a girl you were always arguing with at school, but you never told me how it ends.

Your cheeks flush and Draco smiles, with that beautiful smile that you love so much.

—Well, son —he slides an arm around you and kisses your cheek—. I married her.

Scorpius smiles. He had inherited Draco's beautiful smile.

—I knew it! —He exclaims happy—. I love you so much, mum and dad —he hugs Draco and you and boards the train.

Draco moves his arm down around your waist and you rest your head on his shoulder.

—They grow up so fast, don't you think, Dray?

—Certainly, (Y/N/N).

—Do you think that Harry, Ron or Hermione came, love? I haven't heard from them in years.

—I don't know, gorgeous. King's Cross Station is too big. We can look for them later if you want.

—Yes, I'd like that —you reply. He kisses you forehead. You smile.

The train starts moving and Scorpius pops his head out the window.

—Bye mum and dad! —He says as he waves his hand.

—Bye Scorp! Take care! —Draco replies as he waves his hand.

—I love you, sweetie! —You blow him a kiss and wave your hand, and tears start rolling down your cheeks.

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