Gear Up

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That night you climbed into bed, and Alice got in the bed on the opposite corner of the room. She still can't believe it, everyone she knows is dead and all because of a trap room, at least, everyone she knows except you, Kirito, and a few others. You also can't believe it, so many good people died today and you couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Y/N, thanks for being there today, when I needed someone the most." Alice said with a new feeling of relief.

"It's the least I could do." You replied with a smile.

"Hey Y/N. Sorry if I'm bothering you at a bad time. I heard there's a revival item you could use to get the Ark Raiders back. I'll send the location to your map." A message from Kirito came through.

"Thanks. I'll check it out. Say, you don't know anyone who is a high-level blacksmith by any chance?" You replied.

"I don't, but Asuna does. I'll send you the coordinates once I get them." He said.

You fell asleep shortly afterwards, getting a new sense of hope for the fallen guys. The next day, you saw the coordinates to a blacksmith on floor forty-eight, heading there immediately, along with Alice, who needs some new armor and a new weapon. When you got there, you encountered a short, pink-haired girl behind a counter.

"Welcome to Lisbeth's Smith Shop! How can I help you today?" She asked in a friendly tone.

"Hello, I'm looking for a new sword, something that is nice and heavy, but one-handed with high damage. Actually, could I get two of them?" You asked casually.

"Two? Sure thing." She said, pulling out her two best swords.

"How much would that cost?" You asked casually.

"That will be two thousand Col." She replied.

You handed in the money, and Alice stepped up.

"I'm looking for heavy armor. Something that can absorb a lot of damage, as well as a good, heavy, two-handed broadsword." Alice said casually.

"I have just the thing. I'll be right back." Lisbeth replied, going to the back of the shop. When she appeared again, Alice couldn't believe her eyes when she saw a gold-plated, custom chest plate with shoulder pads, gauntlets, an armored combat dress with armoured boots, and a matching, elegant sword with a gold handle and a long, silver blade.

"It's only the best of the best heavy armor." She said with a smile.

"How much will it cost?" Alice asked with wide eyes.

"That will cost you ten thousand Col, in total." Lisbeth replied. You could see Alice grow a slightly disappointed expression as she is short by five thousand Col. You sent her an extra ten thousand so she has extra on the side.

This caused endless praises of gratitude from the girl as she added the items to her inventory. You thanked Lisbeth for the items and headed to the fiftieth floor to get the revival item.

"Revival of players in-game is no longer possible." The words of Akihiko echoed through your head.

Alice split up from you to do some more quests on the thirty-first floor.

"I don't care if Akihiko says revival is not possible. I'm sure as hell going to try, and if I get them back and they want me dead for being so useless, I accept it." You thought to yourself with resent.

Using a teleport crystal, you teleported to the dungeon entrance, entering it only to find a boss that is humanoid, and easily five meters tall.

Cue soundtrack: Swordland.

Alice In SwordlandWhere stories live. Discover now