Unity Of Knights

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"Hey, Commander Heathcliff sent me to tell you that he wants you out at the main gate for a training exercise immediately." Godfree said, entering your sleeping quarters while you are speaking to Alice.

"What? I wasn't notified about this!?" You yelped with suprise.

"Come on now, don't shoot the messenger. In five minutes I want to see you at the main gate." He replied light-heartedly before walking out.

"Damn it..." You growled with disappointment.

"I was really enjoying this talk... please, be safe..." Alice said with a disappointed tone.

"I was too. I will be back shortly." You said, getting pulled into a hug by Alice. You hugged her back before going to the main gate, where Kirito is talking to Godfried and Kuradeel. Suddenly, Clyde stepped out of the open.

"Hey, you all set?" Fultz asked casually.

"What is he doing here!?" You growled defensively.

"Hey, easy kid. Heathcliff said this exercise would be a good time for you and Clyde to clear the air." Fultz said casually.

"I'm sorry, what I did was wrong and insubordinate on my part." He said sincerely.

You couldn't help but feel shocked by this.

"You don't have to apologize to me, apologize to Alice. She's the real victim between us. I'm in no place to accept any apologies because I was just defending a friend." You said sternly.

"I understand. I will do it as soon as we get back to base." He replied honestly.

"Now, then. I'm going to need you to hand in all your crystals, health, antidote, and teleport." Fultz said casually.

"Are you serious?" You asked with disbelief.

"Yes. It's Heathcliffs orders." Fultz said sternly.

You just growled, giving them up without further resistance, then, you, Clyde and Fultz separated from Kirito's group and headed to a dungeon. However, halfway there, Fultz decided to stop and take a break. The three players unpacked their lunch. You and Fultz decided to eat, and then you noticed Clyde staring at you. You then realized something.

"Wait! Don't eat it, it's been poisoned!" You yelled, standing up only to go lame. Fultz managed to heed your warning in time, however, Clyde sliced his leg off before he could draw his sword.

"Hand me my crystals!" You yelled.

"On it!" He shouted, equipping the crystals only to get his arm cut off.

"Here's what happened, you and Fultz turned on me, I fought courageously, I was forced to put an end to both you and him single-handedly." He snarled, laughing psychotically.

He stabbed Fultz through the head, draining his health to the red and causing a bleed out timer to show up by his health.
He screamed from fear as Clyde brought his sword down, cutting his head clean off. His body and head disintegrated into shards, then he turned to you, who managed to slowly crawl forward a few centimetres.

"You're part of Laughing Coffin, aren't you?" You growled as your body weakened.

"How did you know? You're about to die, so I may as well ask how you figured that out." Clyde said with hysterical laughter.

"This guild doesn't support killing each other. That, along with that hysterical laughter, it's too much like it." You said seriously as your health started dropping.

"You may have noticed your health dropping by now. Tell me, how does it feel knowing you're about to die?" He asked casually as he gently placed his sword by your throat.

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