Tiso X Reader

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Tiso tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Y/N to arrive. "Where is she...?" He thought to himself as he overlooked the snowy area known as Kingdoms Edge. They had planned to go to the Colosseum Of Fools together to watch a few matches and maybe even fight in some. But, Y/N was running late, and Tiso was beginning to grow impatient.

Just then, Tiso saw Y/N in the distance, running towards him, and running away from what looked like motherfckers- Primal Aspids. Tiso sighed and started running towards her. She gasped as she saw him and ran behind him, trembling. Tiso ran at the ShtHeads- Primal Aspids and threw his shield at them, slicing them in half. (WHAT YOU DESERVE YA STUPID MF-)

Tiso kicked the corpses of the bullsht- Primal Aspids and then ran back to Y/N, picking his shield off the ground as he went. He stopped by her side, where she was still shaking. He grabbed her shoulders gently and lifted her chin so they were looking in each-others eyes. "Are you ok? Did they hurt you at all?" Y/N sniffled and shook her head. "N-no, I'm just kinda sh-shook... they just popped out at me while I was walking here!"

Tiso wiped the tear away from her cheek that had slipped out. "Well, it'll be ok. You're with me and I'll protect you, Ok?" Tiso smiled at her warmly and then pulled her into a hug. Tiso and Y/N had known eachother for a while, since they had been kids and they had grown up together and when Tiso told Y/N of his dreams of fighting in the Colosseum, she had supported him and even wanted to come along. And ever since they had started traveling together, Tiso had started to feel something for Y/N... and he thought he knew what it was.

As they hugged each-other, Tiso gripped her back tighter and thought to himself, "I must tell her soon... I can become stronger with her and I need her with me... what would I do without her..?" Tiso reluctantly pulled away from the hug, already missing Y/N's touch. "We should start to head up to the Colosseum." He offered a hand to Y/N, who took it and pulled herself up. As she did, the two bugs faces got very close, causing them both to blush and awkwardly rub the back of their heads. "Let's go..." Tiso mumbled, and started leaping up the stone platforms, Y/N following close behind.

They soon reached a bigger platform and had to fight off some assholes- Primal Aspids and some Hoppers. They kept making their way up to the Colosseum and were almost there when they bumped into two bugs (The two bugs are like the bugs in the back of the Colosseum btw) Tiso grumbled at them, his snotty attitude getting the best of him. "Move it, will ya?" The bugs looked back with furious expressions and Tiso was suddenly aware of how big they were compared to him. Y/N whimpered. The taller bug of the two smiled maliciously at the other one then looked at Tiso. "Who do you think you are, asshole?"

Tiso gulped, but stood his ground and moved in-front of Y/N. "Better then you, that's what I know and as for who I think I am, well, I'm a bug who can probably fuq an Aspid better then you." Then, without warning, the bug slammed into him, knocking the breath out of him and making him skid sideways. Y/N yelped as the other bug crawled over too her, and the one who had knocked Tiso down went closer to him to beat him up more.

Y/N cried out as the bug advanced on her and then, he picked her up by the neck and slammed her into the ground. Y/N screamed, but it quickly faded into a whisper/moan as she went limp. Tiso felt adrenaline race into his blood and with a scream of rage, he threw his shield at the tall bug and hit him in the eye. The bug cringed back and fell to the ground, screaming as his eye bled from the cuts the shield had made.

Tiso picked up his shield and threw it as hard as he could at the other bug, and somehow, the throw was so perfect, it beheaded the bug, and his head fell to the ground, shock as his last expression. Tiso didn't even pick up his shield as he raced over to Y/N, slid on his knees and picked her in his arms, trying to wake her, crying. "Y/N PLEASE- W-WAKE UP I- IM SO SORRY JUST- PLEASE WAKE UP-" Y/N opened her eyes a slit and smiled as she saw Tiso. "D-did y-yo-u b-bea-t th-them u-up?" She said, her voice barley even a whisper.

Tiso grabbed the sides of her face gently, relived she was still alive. "Yes, yes I did... please... just- hang on ok? I'm going to get help ok?" Y/N shook her head, her eyes brightening. "N-no it's ok Tiso.. it's just the shock I think... I didn't even break anything!" Tiso smiled weakly and whispered "You had me so scared and I- I couldn't have lost you, I-" Y/N grabbed the sides of his face before he could finish and pulled him close to his face, so that they were only a centimeter apart. "Ditto" She whispered and then pulled him into a kiss.

Tiso started to kiss back immediately and they sat up straighter, and hugged each-other while kissing. Y/N pulled back after a bit and Tiso looked at her, shocked but so happy, he thought he would burst. Tiso pulled Y/N's forehead and put it on his and, right there on that very cliff, right next to the Colosseum Of Fools, with bugs cheering in the back-round, he whispered,

"I truly do love you."




hollowknight  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now