Pale King X Reader

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The Pale King sighed, rubbing his temples. He had been going through some... trouble lately.

He was the ruler, the king (Obviously- ) Of a wonderful land called HallowNest. Bugs lived in peace and were happy there, especially under the Pale Kings rule.
Or at least, they USED to be happy.

There had been trouble passing through the lands lately. Bugs had been losing their minds and will to think. The Pale Kings advisors called it "The Infection" The name itself was already spooky... but its effect of course was the real scariness.

Pale King shook his head in frustration and slithered off his throne. He needed to clear his head. He needed to think. This... Infection was causing bugs to turn on him. He had even considered at this point leaving...

He slithered past his guards and out the huge doors of the throne room. The garden seemed like a nice place to go to at the moment. He had always liked going there. It reminded him of his wife, the White Lady.

He breathed in deeply as he finally entered the humble gates of the green garden, the flowers smell feeling fresh and stress relieving. He moved slowly along the small stone and overtaken by moss path, gazing at the scenery trying to rid his mind of the troublesome thoughts.

He went on like this for not even a few seconds when the bottom of his robe bumped into something, the 'something' letting out an 'oof' as he did so. He looked down, frowning a slight bit because of the interruption and saw a small gardener bug there.

She blushed and fumbled with her tools, it seemed that she had been trimming the small bushes. She got up and bowed down to him quickly. "I- I'm so sorry about that, my King- I just- uh- I was working on the gar-"

The Pale King sniffed and shook his hand, interrupting her. "I do not care what you were doing, just get out of my way." He was in a crankier mood and did not really feel any remorse when the bug looked down timidly, mumbling. "Yes my King..."

He cast a pointed look down at her. "What is your name." He made it sound like it wasn't a question. The bug perked up. "Y-Y/N!" The King scoffed. "What a weird name." She wilted at this plain remark, but still kept her head up, looking at the King.

"U-uh, your Majesty...?" She fumbled with her sentence a bit, blushing. The Pale King sighed, irritated. He was beginning to think this 'Y/N' wanted him to have a bad day. "A-are- Is- Will HallowNest- b-be safe?"

The Pale King stiffened at this. "I-" He tried to regain his composure, failing. "I- do not know." Y/N looked up at him, her eyes becoming misty and then she rushed towards him and hugged him.

The King blushed at this sudden affectionate contact. "S-stop that! I am a king for HallowNest's sake-" The gardener looked up at him, blushing still. "I trust you'll do something about this. You'll keep us safe."

The Pale King felt his heart do a weird jumpy thing as he looked down at Y/N. "I-" He started but then she quickly pulled away from the hug. "M-MANY APOLOGIES YOUR MAJESTY, I'LL GO NOW I'M SO SORRY-"

Her voice trailed off as she ran away, a blushing mess. The Pale King looked back after her for a moment. "She was... something else..." The King thought to himself and then mentally slapped his head.

"What are you doing you idiot- You're a king, you're married and she's just a peasant-" He muttered under his breath, turning around to make his way out of the garden.

But seeing Y/N hug into him like that, and look up at him with hope and support in her eyes, and having his heart flutter like that... that made him want to do something to stop this horrid infection. He would do something and save these innocent bugs.

He could do something. He was king after all.




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