Lurien X Reader

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Y/N shuffled through the papers, grumbling as she did so. "Lurien, why are you so-" She cut off as one paper, apparently very sticky, stuck to her-

(A/N: Y'know what- Ima go look up what a bug hand is called now-

Nevermind it says they don't have hands.

Back to bUg hNadS-)

As the sticky paper stuck to her hand, she grumbled and threw a look behind her. "Can you give me a hand?" Lurien looked up from what he was doing and gave her a look. Y/N rolled her eyes. "YOU HAVE HANDS UNDER YOUR CLOAK FOR THE PALE KINGS SAKE-"

Lurien shook his head and laughed a bit. "Well, I would normally help you but I'm currently organizing these letters for some of my other advisors." Y/N scoffed. "I never see why you needed them. I'm the best one you got." Lurien narrowed his eye. "That's not very nice.." Y/N ripped the paper off her hands. "You're too soft."

Lurien threw down the note he was writing. "I am not!" Y/N smirked back at him. "S u r e" Lurien grunted and sighed. "Listen, Y/N. I'm sorry if I've been acting different lately but- this is a lot of pressure. It's my job to do this!"

Y/N felt a pang in her heart and she furrowed her forehead. "You shouldn't have to do this don't deserve it." Lurien frowned behind his mask. "It's for the good of HallowNest." Y/N was becoming angrier now. "Yes, but somebody else could've done it! You didn't need to volunteer!"

Lurien got up. "Look, I'm doing this to protect them! I'm doing this for the kingdom!" Y/N had tears in her eyes as she whipped around to face him. "BUT WHAT ABOUT ME?! I'VE WORKED FOR YOU NON STOP, AND YOU'RE MY FRIEND AND I'LL MISS YOU AND-"

Y/N cut herself off before she could say anything, tears streaming down her checks. Lurien was baffled at her behavior, and slowly floated over to her. "Y/N- You mean all that?" Y/N hunched over. "Dumbass- why would I say that only for it to have no meaning?"

Lurien sat next to her. "I'm- I'm sorry Y/N but-" He cut off, he felt like he was gonna cry too and so he put his head down. "It's for the good of the kingdom." He whispered, then hugged Y/N. She cried into his cloak and he barely kept his tears in, just staring ahead, with a blank and sleepy like stare.

»»————- Time Skip Brought To You By Me Crying Over Anime ————-««

It had been about 3 months since Lurien and Y/N had sat on that bench together, crying. Now, the two were standing together, not saying a word, the Pale King looking down before them. Herrah and Monomon floated next to them, their advisers with them as well.

Today was the day that the Dreamers would be sealed into the dream realm. The Pale King had finally finished his vessels training and it was ready. The Pale King was currently staring down at the 6 gathered underneath his throne and then gave a nod, signifying that it was time for them to say good bye.

Herrah whispered to her advisor, softly but just loud enough so Y/N could hear, to take care of her child, Monomon gave hers one last poem to live by and then Lurien faced Y/N. His mask was on, so she couldn't see the tears brimming at the edge of his eyes.

He leaned in close to the crying bug and then kissed her forehead. He drew back and then whispered the last thing he would ever say.

"I'm doing this... for the kingdom, the King but mostly... I'm doing this for you." And with that, he turned around to face the King with the other Dreamers. Y/N watched with horror and curiosity as a moth walked in, holding what looked like a nail.

And then it happened so fast, Y/N could barely process it but the moth hit the 3 Dreamers, weird, dream like smoke emitting out of it, the 3 writhing in pain and the last thing she saw before Lurien disappeared was him, looking straight into her eyes with love, ambition and hope.

And then the 3 fell to the ground, looking as if they were to be dead. Y/N cried out in horror as she looked at Lurien's limp body. The Pale King gave a nod and then slithered away, the Vessel following. Guards came up to Y/N and started to push her and the others out of the room.

She fought back and hit them, trying to stay with Lurien but they were too strong and emotionless. Y/N eventually gave up and was able to catch one last glimpse of Lurien while shouting, "I LOVE YOU- I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, PLEASE COME BACK-"

And he never heard her.
He never would.




hollowknight  x readerWhere stories live. Discover now