Shallow Loyalty

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She'd arrived home to find her brother asleep as usual and her parents waiting with solemn faces.They told her they'd decided to send Liu to an orphanage so they wouldn't have to worry about him.

Not that they worried about him anyway she thought.

They had said it would be good for him and that she'd be able to focus more. She'd snapped and said they just wanted an excuse to rid of to him. To abandon him because they didn't care.

Her first thought had been for only her to leave so they would take care of Liu. But she didn't exactly trust them after this conversation. Chances were they would give him to an orphanage anyway. She'd seen how shallow their loyalty ran. 

Instead she went to her room and packed her most important belongings into a satchel. Checked Liu's room for anything important and, after finding nothing, went to get him.

He didn't wake as she picked him up and headed for the door. When her parents asked where she was going she had replied with "Leaving".

She found a sheltered alley to stay in for the night and lay Liu behind some crates with an old sack to keep him warm. She sat down beside him and after watching the moon travel across the sky for a while, fell asleep.

The Champion's Brother / Running Man Animation / Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now