No Longer Helpless

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Liu woke up before her and , since he'd slept through the whole incident with his parents, he had no idea what had happened during the night or where they were.

When he woke up Sean and asked she simply told him that they were leaving. She figured that he didn't need to know the whole truth unless he wanted to.

While it was still early they raided a small field for food before heading off. Sean wanted to put some distance between them and their parents. And although Liu was still confused and tired, he didn't complain.

They travelled for a few days to another village. There they found a small place with two rooms to live in.

There they made a decent living and Sean found more inventors and fighters to learn from. And when she had time she'd teach Liu too. She was determined not to let him remain helpless. She taught him to fight and use a drill gun for a weapon as well as a tool, how to balance his jumps and determine the strength and height of each one, and how to invent.

After feeding Liu on a steady diet for a while Sean found that he was very energetic and quick as well as rather intelligent. He was soon able to stay up late into the night working on projects like her.

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