Great Things

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The sky was darkening when he arrived home. Sean had been ready to scold him, but words evaded her when she saw the dried tears on his face. 

All she managed was " I saved you some food."

She set down the plate and left him to pick half-heartedly at it. 

Feeling more sad than than hungry, he had a few mouthfuls then set it aside for later.

Sean came in shortly after and found him sitting on his bed.

"What's wrong?" she asked, coming to sit beside him.

"I know why we left that night," Liu murmered. "I know why our parents didn't care for me."

"You were bound to find out eventually," Sean admitted, feeling guilty that she hadn't told him sooner. "How'd you find out?"

" Those kids in the village were calling me Orphan," Liu muttered. " It was worse than Little Bug. I know I'm useless." 

"You are not useless!" his sister said sharply, fiercely, suddenly. "Mother and Father thought you were but that doesn't mean you should believe it. You listen Liu. This is going to sound really sappy but you're nothing like what they thought you were. You're not a burden. You're the brother of a future champion and inventor and you'll probably become one yourself. You don't need parents to be more than a burden, not that you were one in the first place. Look at me Liu."

His sister's eyes were full of sympathy and certainty.

"You're going to do great things Liu," she assured him. "Great things."

Liu still felt sad, but less. Sean was right. He'd be a champion one day. He would do great things like her. Great things... 

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