komahina: thunder

178 7 22

i may or may not have taken this idea from ohshc leave me a l o n e

spoilers for sdr2 ch1!

takes place a few days after the execution of hanamura


"Morning, Hajime!"


Hajime rubbed his sleep-filled eyes as he entered the dining room of the hotel. His classmates were there long before him, chattering idly with each other while chowing down on signature breakfast items in between conversations. Akane and Nekomaru in particular were standing on one of the tables to the right of Hajime, Akane doing pushups while Nekomaru piled large amounts of steak and other assorted meats on her back. Akane was chewing on an unnecessarily large piece of ham as she continued her exercise.

The brown-haired boy could barely muster up the energy to roll his eyes at the sight, and instead opted to take a seat next to Super High School Level Gamer Chiaki Nanami. She was the one who had greeted him in, after all. However, her eyes never left her console screen and a plate of pancakes lay untouched on the table beneath her. Hajime leaned over her shoulder to watch her play, and found himself being unfamiliar with the title. He bit his lip as he continued to observe, watching as the rocket ship on the screen narrowly missed the biggest and smallest of meteors and other obstacles- just watching her gave him anxiety.

"You look exhausted," Chiaki commented. Hajime flinched; she really was paying attention after all. "Couldn't sleep is all." He shrugged his shoulders, subtly stealing a small slice of pancake from her plate with a idle fork he found nearby. "Hmm. That's not good." Chiaki's fingers seemed to push down on the buttons even harder as she reached a seemingly difficult part of her game. "You need to get your sleep schedule into check, okay?"

Hajime mumbled incoherently over a large piece of pancake, nodding his head as he engulfed the syrupy goodness. Chiaki just smiled softly and continued to play her game.

The brown-haired boy continued to shovel food into his mouth, slowly nudging Chiaki's plate from beneath her arms and closer to his chest. If the girl noticed, she didn't comment on it, which Hajime was slightly thankful for. He hadn't known if he crossed a line or not in his grogginess by stealing his friend's breakfast. After all, that seemed like something only best friends did; the two were nothing of the sort.

He had someone else in mind anyways.

The hotel's doors sliding open caught the corner of Hajime's eye, and he turned in his seat to see who it was. It was no one other than Nagito Komaeda, the High School Level Lucky Student. His appearance caused the brown-haired boy to smile softly to himself.

The arrival of Nagito didn't seem to turn any heads; in fact, it was almost like he was being ignored. This caused Hajime's smile to sour into a frown. He assumed it had something to do with the trial a few days ago. The way Nagito had acted seemed to impact everyone's vision of him. And while Hajime had to admit he was more than a bit weirded out by the white haired boy's attitude, he still considered him to be a friend. After all, Nagito was the one who assisted Hajime when he first woke up on the beach of the island. It was weird how much it annoyed the brown haired boy that his friend was just being disregarded.

Hajime made eye contact with his favorite lucky student and motioned for him to come over. Nagito hesitated for a moment before slowly walking over to their table, shoulders hunched. "Good morning, Hajime," he spoke, smiling at the brown haired boy before sliding into a seat next to him. Hajime returned the smile with his own and shifted the plate towards the new arrival.

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