Chapter 11

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~A Month Later~

Jungkook's POV

Alma spent the weekend in Jungkook's apartment. He decided to stay there and not in the dorm because of her.
They had an international performance so he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.

She looks so pretty even as she's asleep. He bent to kiss her cheek when she opened her eyes and pulled him to lie beside her.

"Good morning." She smiled
"Sleep well?"
She nodded in agreement. Then he said. "Let's feed you then."
He lifted her off the bed bridal style and carried her downstairs to the kitchen.

Alma's POV

He made me breakfast. It wasn't anything big but it was special. I'm going to miss him. I wish I could just go with him but I can't.

Jungkook's POV

He reached for her hand and said. "I have something for you." And left the table. He returned with his hands behind him.

He got down on one knee and and began.
"Alma Elizabeth Morgan, I remember the first time I saw you I was attracted immediately, I fell in love with your personality but your looks were a plus. You've been through a lot and I know I put you through some sh*t too but I want you to know it'll never happen again.
I can't imagine my future without you in it, so my Mi Rae will you marry me?"

Alma's POV

This was unexpected. She couldn't believe it. Her vision became blur because of the tears. She loves him, this wasn't the first she had been proposed to but this time, she felt different. Wiping her cheeks, she nodded and smiled brightly.
"Yes Jungkook, I will marry you."

He slipped the ring unto her finger and kissed her.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

~The Next Day~

The news of Alma and Jungkook was finally released to the public by Big Hit. Both she and Jungkook agreed to it. They were tired of hiding, they were ready for anything.

Ae Ra and the members were happy for them but also worried about how fans would react.

Alma's POV

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Ae Ra asked. "Some fans are scary."

"I'll be fine Unni. I'm ready for anything. As long as I have you, Jungkook and the members I'll be fine."

Some days after the news got out, word began to spread, comments began to be made, threats were sent and supports were sent too.
Alma deactivated her SNS accounts for some time so as to not see comments but they still got to her one way or another but she was okay while the others were worried.

The members were leaving soon so there'll be no one to talk to for some time. She was planning to occupy herself with work.

"I'll miss you, take care of yourself and when I return, we'll do something special together." He told her before leaving for the airport. Ae Ra had to go too but she promised to call everyday.

As Alma got home, she saw she had missed calls from her mother. She called back.

"Hi mom."
"Alma, are the stories true? You're dating a Chinese boy?"

Offended and upset, Alma corrected. "He's Korean mother and he's a man."
"I don't care. This is why you didn't come home? What happened to the other guy?"

"Daniel and I ended things years ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
"I'm your mother Alma. You didn't tell me when you and your previous boyfriend began dating and when you ended things, now you're engaged? Why are you doing this?"

"Because, you never let me do what I want. If I let you control me the way you controlled Raynboe, I'd be a ballet dancer dating one of your friends son. And I don't want that."

Her mother was silent.
"I'm still here. I'm sorry, you should have talked to me. Congratulations, I'm sure he's a good guy. I'll come to Korea when I have the chance.
I love you."

Alma felt tears fall on her cheek. This was the first time in years she heard her mom say that.
"I love you too mom."
Their conversation ended.

Jungkook's POV

They had just finished rehearsal, when his phone buzzed. He smiled and reached for it but as soon as he picked it up, his smile disappeared

Hi Jungkook, it's Bo Kyung. I saw the news, congratulations but there is something you need to know.
I'm pregnant.

His phone dropped from his hands, after reading the message.
What the hell was happening?

A/N: Do you think she's really pregnant or it's fake? Drop your opinions in the comment section.
Thank you for reading and sorry for the late update. I've been busy.
I purple you guys.

P/S: Raynboe is Alma's older sister.

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